[Data Structure] Stack Surface Test – A Array Realizing Two Stacks

One ​​array to realize two stacks, there are several ways:

1. The odd-numbered positions of the array store the elements of one stack, and the even-numbered positions store the elements of the other stack;

2. The two stacks grow from the middle of the array to the two ends;

3. The two stacks grow from the two ends of the array respectively.

From the picture we It can be seen that the first two methods will cause a waste of space under certain circumstances, so we

adopt the third method Finish.

The code implementation is given below:

#includeusing namespace std;#includetemplate class StackArray{public: StackArray() :_array(new int [2]), _size1(0), _size2(1), _capacity(2) {} ~StackArray() {if (NULL != _array) {delete[] _array; _array = NULL; _size1 = 0; _size2 = 0; _capacity = 0;}} void PushArr1(const T& x) {Capacity(); _array[_size1] = x; _size1++;} void PushArr2(const T& x) {Capacity(); _array[_size2] = x; _size2--;} void PopArray1() {if (_size1> 0) {_size1--;}} void PopArray2() {if (_size2 != _capacity- 1) {_size2++;}} T& TopArray1() {if (_size1> 0) {return _array[_size1-1];}} T& TopArray2() {if (_size2> 0) {return _array[_size2+1];} } void DisplayArray1() {if (_size1> 0) {for (int i = _size1-1; i >= 0; --i) {cout << _array[i] << "";} cout << endl;}} void DisplayArray2() {if (_size2> 0) {for (int i = _size2 + 1; i < _capacity; ++i) {cout << _array[i] << "";} cout << endl;} }private: void Capacity() {if (_size1 + _size2 <= _capacity) {int NewCapacity = _capacity + 10 ; T* tmp = new T[NewCapacity]; int k = NewCapacity-1; //memcpy(tmp, _array1, _size1*sizeof(T)); for (int i = 0; i <_size1; ++i) { tmp[i] = _array[i];} //memcpy(tmp+NewCapacity-1-_size2,_array2-_size2,_size2*sizeof(T)); for (int i = _capacity-1; i> _capacity-_size2; --i) {tmp[k] = _array[i]; k--;} delete[] _array; _size2 = NewCapacity-(_capacity-_size2); _capacity = NewCapacity; _array = tmp;} }private: T* _array ; int _size1; int _size2; int _capacity;);//Test code void test(){ StackArray s; s.PushArr1(1); s.PushArr1(2); s.PushArr1(3); s. PushArr1(4); s.PushArr1(5); s.PushArr1(6); s.PushArr1(7); s.DisplayArray1(); s.PopArray1(); s.DisplayArray1(); s.PushArr2(5); s.PushArr2(6); s.PushArr2(7); s.PushArr2(8); s.PushArr2(9); s.PushArr2(10); s. DisplayArray2();	s.PopArray2();	s.DisplayArray2();}int main(){	test();	system("pause");	return 0;}

In the implementation process, there are several issues that need to be paid attention to:

1._size1 and _size2 respectively point to the next position of the top element of the stack.

2. In the process of content copying, you need to consider the special handling of special types such as string types.

3. Carefully ensure that each judgment condition is accurate.

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