Process management in Linux

title: Process Management in Linux
date: 2019-7-2
– Linux

< p>

### View

#### ps

Use ps to view the process running status at a certain point in time. ps auxf -> List the program display similar to the process tree

#### top

Use top to dynamically view the changes of the process. top [-d number] | top [-bnp]


-d: The number of seconds to update the configuration interface

-b: Batch processing

-n: collocation with -b, configure the results of executing top output several times

-p: specify the monitored pid

on top Commands that can be used during execution

?: Display the key commands that can be entered in top

P: Sort by CPU usage resources

M: Use MEM Sort of used resources

N: Sort by PID

T: Sort by accumulated CPU time (time+) used

k: Give a PID signal< /p>

r: Reconfigure the nice value of PID

q: Leave top

#### pstree

Check the relationship between processes. pstree [-A|-U] -[up]


-A: Use ASCII characters to connect inter-process relationships

-U: Use utf-8 characters to connect the relationship between processes

-p: List PID

-u: List the account of each process

### Management

Manage processes through signals

#### kill

kill -singnal PID

# ### killall

killall -signal command name

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