NFS sharing service

NFS Network File System C/S

rpc 111 remote procedure call mechanism

S: set a shared directory

C: mount Use this shared directory to mount


yum -y install nfs-utils rpcbind //Install nfs and rpc

[[ email protected] ~]# mkdir /data//Create a public folder

[[emailprotected] ~]# vim /etc/exports //Modify the configuration file

[[email protected] ~]# cat /etc/exports

/data // Allowed network segments and permissions to be viewed

[[email protected] ~] # systemctl start rpcbind //Remember to start the rpc service first. Start nfs

[[emailprotected] ~]# systemctl enable rpcbind

[[emailprotected] ~]# systemctl start nfs

[[emailprotected] ~]# systemctl enable nfs


[[emailprotected] ~]# yum -y install nfs-utils //You don’t need to install nfs but install this for the showmount command

[[emailprotected] ~]# showmount -e //The IP address of the server

[[email Protected] ~]# mount /opt/ /// opt is the mount point You can find the files shared by the server in it

[[email protected] ~] # vim /etc/fstab / opt nfs defaults,_netdev 0 0

/var/ftp/ is the shared root directory and can be shared

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