Homebrew installed MPV

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Install homebrew, vim ~/.bash_profile Configure environment variables, reference: [Mac] Installation and simple configuration of MPV player

export PATH=/usr/local/bin :$PATH

cource ~/.bash_profile

Why Using HomebrewMac OS X is based on Unix, it can use many excellent open source tools on the Linux platform, such as wget, such as dos2unix scripting tools. However, the OS X system itself lacks a package manager under Linux. Such as Fedora's yum and dnf, such as Ubuntu's apt-get, such as ArchLinux's Pacman, etc. Therefore, the installation of these excellent open source software on the Mac can only be completed through the steps of downloading the source code, compiling, installing, and configuring environment variables. For most software, a lot of dependent libraries are required during the installation process, and it is very painful to manually resolve these dependent libraries. The package manager does exactly this: resolve the dependencies during the software installation process. There is an open source project called Homebrew, which perfectly solves the embarrassment that there is no package manager on Mac OS X. 

 The Linux system has a common problem that makes people feel painful, software package dependence, fortunately, the two current mainstream releases have their own solutions, Red hat has yum , Ubuntu has apt-get magic horse, you use mac os, I’m sorry that Mac os has similar things, but I finally found third-party support: Homebrew, Homebrew is abbreviated as brew, which is a software package on Mac OSX.管理工具,能在Mac中方便的安装软件或者卸载软件,可以说Homebrew就是mac下的apt-get、yum神器

so,move on

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brew tap mpv-player/mpv

brew install mpv

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Then package it into launchpad and report an error:


< h1 style="font-weight:500; line-height:36px;margin:0px 0px 10px;padding:0px;font-family:'Helvetica Neue','Luxi Sans','DejaVu Sans', Tahoma,'Hiragino Sans GB','Microsoft Yahei', sans- serif;"> homebrew linkapps problem

< span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue','Luxi Sans','DejaVu Sans', Tahoma,'Hiragino Sans GB','Microsoft Yahei', sans-serif;font-size:14px;">brew reinstall mpv –with-bundle

brew linkapps mpv

I don’t know what it means, but there is already in launch, done

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