OSX – ITERM2 Downs full screen application

I always have my IDE (phpStorm) in full screen mode (Yosemite).

I want my iTerm2 hotkey to slide my terminal window on the IDE, so it will not open a new space for the terminal window. Once the window slides back, it will leave me in an empty space instead of going back to phpStorm.

This command allows iTerm to work on full-screen applications

defaults write ~/Applications/iTerm.app/Contents/Info LSUIElement true

But it hides the context menu of iTerm. To access iTerm’s preferences, right-click on the tab bar and select the correct menu item; or focus on any iTerm window and press ⌘,.

Update: If you are using the beta version of iTerm, you do not need to run the previous command. You can enable Preferences>Advanced>Hide iTerm2 from the dock and the ⌘-Tab application switcher.
Also ensure that all spaces (Preferences>Profiles>”Hotkey Window”Profiles>”Window”tab>Space:”All Spaces”) allow configuration files for drop-down windows (the default is hot Key window).

Remember to restart iTerm2.

I always have my IDE (phpStorm) in full screen mode (Yosemite).

I want my iTerm2 hotkey to slide my terminal window on the IDE, so it will not open a new space for the terminal window. Once the window slides back, it will leave me in an empty space instead of going back to phpStorm.

This command allows iTerm to work on full-screen applications

defaults write ~/Applications /iTerm.app/Contents/Info LSUIElement true

But it hides the context menu of iTerm. To access iTerm’s preferences, right-click on the tab bar and select the correct menu item; or focus on any iTerm window and press ⌘,.

Update: If you are using the beta version of iTerm, you do not need to run the previous command. You can enable Preferences>Advanced>Hide iTerm2 from the dock and the ⌘-Tab application switcher.
Also ensure that all spaces (Preferences>Profiles>”Hotkey Window”Profiles>”Window”tab>Space:”All Spaces”) allow configuration files for drop-down windows (the default is hot Key window).

Remember to restart iTerm2.

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