OSX – How do ITerm2 appear on the current screen?

In Preferences -> ‘Key’, you can use the system-wide hotkey to check show/hide iTerm2.

However, iTerm is always displayed on the main display (monitor) instead of where the cursor is currently located.

For example, if I have three monitors and I am working on the third screen, the hotkey causes iTerm to appear on the first monitor instead of where I am currently working.

Any suggestions how to solve?

This may be more keyboards than you want, but if you install window management software, Such as size, you can get this job with a few keystrokes.

Maintain your ⌥Space hotkey preferences on Iterm2. Go to Size -> Preferences and change “Send window on a monitor” to a simple keypress. I use ⌥1

Now, you can use ⌥Space to open the terminal and ⌥1 to move it to your monitor once or twice. It requires a few key combinations, but not too many!

In Preferences -> ‘Key’, you can use the system-wide hotkey to check show/hide iTerm2.

However, iTerm is always displayed on the main display (monitor) instead of where the cursor is currently located.

For example, if I have three monitors and I am working on the third screen, the hotkey causes iTerm to appear on the first monitor instead of where I am currently working.

Any suggestions how to solve?

This may be more keyboards than you want, but if you install window management software, such as size, you can get this with a few keystrokes jobs.

Maintain your ⌥Space hotkey preferences on Iterm2. Go to Size -> Preferences and change “Send window on a monitor” to a simple keypress. I use ⌥1

Now, you can use ⌥Space to open the terminal and ⌥1 to move it to your monitor once or twice. It requires a few key combinations, but not too many!

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