R aspel homemade

Use OS 10.6 to operate Macbook Pro.
I recently installed the Asp package and R package manager, and it seems to be installed very well (no installation errors). But when I try to use aspell I get the following error,

> aspell("love")
Error in getSpeller() :
No word lists can be found for the language "en_US".

I also tried

> aspell("love", program = "/usr/ local/bin/aspell")

I also installed aspell and hunspell separately using GitHubs homemade software. When I installed aspell with homebrew, I used

brew install aspell --lang=en_US

Is there any place I searched on Mac Check whether the en_US language is installed? If I do find that en_US is there, is there any suggestion why R didn’t find it?

I am a little novice when the installation from source files is subtle. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

A lot of time has passed, but I also encountered the same problem recently. The fix is:

brew remove aspell
brew install aspell --lang=en

When the original brewing device is flying, I should add more Note:

Dictionaries are not automatically installed, please specify the
languages ​​for which you want dictionaries to be installed with the
–lang option, eg :% brew install aspell –lang=en,es

For the following languages ​​aspell dictionaries are available: af, am, ar, ast, az, be, bg, bn, br, ca, cs, csb , cy, da, de, de_alt, el, en, eo, es, et, fa, fi, fo, fr, fy, ga, gd, gl, grc, gu, gv, he, hi, hil, hr, hsb , hu, hy, ia, id, is, it, kn, ku, ky, la, lt, lv, mg, mi, mk, ml, mn, mr, ms, mt, nb, nds, nl, nn, ny , or, pa, pl, pt_BR, pt_PT, qu, ro, ru, rw, sc, sk, sl, sr, sv, sw, ta, te, tet, tk, tl, tn, tr, uk, uz, vi , wa, yi, zu

Use OS 10.6 to operate Macbook Pro.
I recently installed the Asp package and R package manager, and it seems to be installed very well (no installation errors). But when I try to use aspell I get the following error,

> aspell("love")
Error in getSpeller() :
No word lists can be found for the language "en_US".

I also tried

> aspell("love", program = "/usr/ local/bin/aspell")

I also installed aspell and hunspell separately using GitHubs homemade software. When I installed aspell with homebrew, I used

brew install aspell --lang=en_US

Is there any place I searched on Mac Check whether the en_US language is installed? If I do find that en_US is there, is there any suggestion why R didn’t find it?

I am a little novice when the installation from source files is subtle. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

A lot of time has passed, but I also encountered the same problem recently. The fix is:

brew remove aspell
brew install aspell --lang=en

When the original brewing device is flying, I should pay more attention:

Dictionaries are not automatically installed, please specify the
languages ​​for which you want dictionaries to be installed with the
–lang option, eg:% brew install aspell –lang=en,es< /p>

For the following languages ​​aspell dictionaries are available: af, am, ar, ast, az, be, bg, bn, br, ca, cs, csb, cy, da, de, de_alt, el, en , eo, es, et, fa, fi, fo, fr, fy, ga, gd, gl, grc, gu, gv, he, hi, hil, hr, hsb, hu, hy, ia, id, is, it , kn, ku, ky, la, lt, lv, mg, mi, mk, ml, mn, mr, ms, mt, nb, nds, nl, nn, ny, or, pa, pl, pt_BR, pt_PT, qu , ro, ru, rw, sc, sk, sl, sr, sv, sw, ta, te, tet, tk, tl, tn, tr, uk, uz, vi, wa, yi, zu

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