Test homebrew tap using Travis-Ci

I just discovered Travis-CI, and it seems to be very useful for testing whether Homebrew formulas are built correctly on different systems, especially since Homebrew is already installed on their VM. However, I have a Homebrew tap and want to use Travis-CI to test formulas on different systems.

The way I see this working is to have a test script, such as:

brew update
brew tap
brew install
brew test

But Some of the questions I can see are:

>In this case, what is the language? I let Homebrew handle the build issue
> Travis-CI seems to only allow one test script per repository, so it is difficult to separate the test of each formula

Regarding these two points, who can Help with some suggestions?

f You need to use objective-c as the language for obtaining OS X VM. This is of course not obvious .

To build multiple packages, you can use the environment variable matrix. (Or you can write a shell script with a big loop on all packages.)

This Is the .travis.yml template you can use:

language: objective-c
-brew update
install:< br />-mkdir -p $(brew --repo)/Library/Taps/travis
-ln -s $PWD $(brew --repo)/Library/Taps/travis/homebrew-testtap
-brew tap --repair
-brew audit $ PACKAGE
-brew install -v $PACKAGE
-brew test $PACKAGE

I just discovered Travis-CI and it seems to be useful for testing Homebrew formulas It is very useful to build correctly on different systems, especially because Homebrew is already installed on their VM. In short, I have a Homebrew tap and want to use Travis-CI to test formulas on different systems.

The way I see this work is to have a test script, such as:

brew update
brew tap < br />brew install
brew test

But some of the problems I can see are:

>In this case, the language is What? I let Homebrew handle the build issue
> Travis-CI seems to only allow one test script per repository, so it is difficult to separate the test of each formula

Regarding these two points, who can Help with some suggestions?

f You need to use objective-c as the language for obtaining OS X VM. This is of course not very obvious.

To build multiple packages, you can use the environment variable matrix. (Or you can write a shell script with a big loop on all packages.)

This is the .travis.yml template you can use:< /p>

language: objective-c
-brew update
-mkdir -p $(brew - repo)/Library/Taps/travis
-ln -s $PWD $(brew --repo)/Library/Taps/travis/homebrew-testtap
-brew tap --repair
env :
-brew audit $PACKAGE
-brew install -v $PACKAGE
-brew test $PACKAGE

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