GroupBY string and count in Linb

I have a collection. The coll has strings:

Location="Theater=1, Name=regal, Area=Area1"

Location="Theater=34, Name=Karm, Area=Area4445"

etc. I have to extract the name bits from the string. For example, in Here I have to extract the text’regal’ and group the query. Then the result is displayed as

Name=regal Count 33
Name=Karm Count 22

I am trying to solve this problem:

Collection.Location.GroupBy(????);(What to add here)

This is the shortest and most precise method NS?

Another Linq Regex method:

string[] Location = {
"Theater=2, Name=regal, Area=Area1",
"Theater=2, Name=regal, Area=Area1",
"Theater=34, Name=Karm, Area=Area4445"

var test = Location.Select(
x => Regex.Match(x, "^. *Name=(.*),.*$")
.GroupBy(x => x)
.Select(x=> new {Name = x.Key, Count = x.Count()));

Query the result of the test string

I have a collection. coll There are strings:

Location="Theater=1, Name=regal, Area=Area1"

Location="Theater=34 , Name=Karm, Area=Area4445"

etc. I have to extract the name bits from the string. For example, here I have to extract the text’regal’ and group the query. Then the result is displayed as

Name=regal Count 33
Name=Karm Count 22

I am trying to solve this problem:

Collection .Loca tion.GroupBy(????);(What to add here)

Is this the shortest and most precise method?

Another Linq Regex method:

string[] Location = {
"Theater=2, Name=regal, Area=Area1",
"Theater=2, Name=regal, Area=Area1",
"Theater=34, Name=Karm, Area=Area4445 "

var test = Location.Select(
x => Regex.Match(x, "^.*Name=(.*),.*$" )
.GroupBy(x => x)
.Select(x=> new {Name = x.Key, Count = x.Count() });

Query the result of the test string

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