Four sorting algorithms and two points

1. Bubble sorting

func BubbleSort(slice []int) []int {
i, j, okay, count := 0, 0, true, len(slice)
for i = 0; i  slice[j+1] {
slice[j], slice[j+1] = slice[j+1], slice[j]
okay = false
if okay {//When there is no position exchange in the round comparison, it means that the sorting has been completed, and the loop can be exited in advance
return slice


2. Insert sort

 func InsertSort(slice []int) []int {
var i, j int
count := len(slice)
for i = 1; i  0; j-- {//Find the insertion position by comparison
if slice[j-1]> slice[j] {
slice[j-1], slice[j] = slice[j], slice[j-1]
} else {//The current element has found the insertion position, exit the loop
return slice


3. Select sorting

 func SelectSort(slice []int) []int {
var i, j, minKey int
count := len(slice)
for i = 0; i  slice[j] {
minKey = j
if minKey != i {
slice[minKey], slice[i] = slice[i], slice[minKey]
return slice


4. Quick sort

 func QuickSort(slice []int, start, end int) {
if start >= end {
i, j := start, end
val := slice[(i+j)/2]
for i <= j {
for i <= end && slice[i] = start && slice[j]> val {
if i <= j {
slice[i], slice[j] = slice[j], slice[i]

if start  ​​i {
QuickSort(slice, i, end)


5. Binary search

 func BinarySearch(slice []int, head, tail, value int) int {
if head> tail {
return -1
middle := (head + tail) / 2
if slice[middle] == value {
return middle
} else if slice[middle] 

func BubbleSort( slice []int) []int {
i, j, okay, count := 0, 0, true, len(slice)
for i = 0; i  slice[j+1] {
slice[j], slice[j+1] = slice[j+1], slice[j]
okay = false
if okay {//When there is no position exchange in the round comparison, it means that the sorting has been completed, and the loop can be exited in advance
return slice

func InsertSort(slice []int ) []int {
var i, j int
count := len(slice)
for i = 1; i  0; j-- {//Find the insertion position by comparison
if slice[j-1]> slice[j] {
slice[j-1], slice[j] = slice[j], slice[j-1]
} else {//The current element has found the insertion position, exit the loop
return slice

func SelectSort(slice []int ) []int {
var i, j, minKey int
count := len(slice)
for i = 0; i  slice[j] {
minKey = j
if minKey != i {
slice[minKey], slice[i] = slice[i], slice[minKey]
return slice

func QuickSort(slice []int , start, end int) {
if start >= end {
i, j := start, end
val := slice[(i+j)/2]
for i <= j {
for i <= end && slice[i] = start && slice[j]> val {
if i <= j {
slice[i], slice[j] = slice[j], slice[i]

if start  ​​i {
QuickSort(slice, i, end)

func BinarySearch(slice []int , head, tail, value int) int {
if head> tail {
return -1
middle := (head + tail) / 2
if slice[middle] == value {
return middle
} else if slice[middle] 

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