Bandwagon reloading system


The VPS server just purchased has CentOS 6.8 installed by default, but I The operating systems used before are CentOS 7.0 and Ubuntu 16.04, so let’s study how to reinstall the system of the bricklayer VPS. The goal is to change the system to Ubuntu 16.04.

Reinstall the system:

1. Enter the control panel:< /strong>

First of all, on the Client Area of ​​the masonry account login page, enter the account password to log in, and then click on the menu bar [Services]——> [My Services ], and then click on the [KiwiVM Control Panel] item of the server to be reinstalled on the page to enter the system control panel.

2. Shutdown:

Select the [Admin functions] function page in the control panel interface In the [Main controls] option, click the [stop] button on the expanded interface on the right to stop the VPS host:

< p>The following interface will appear when the shutdown is successful:

3. Select system:

In the control panel interface, select the [Instance new OS] option in the [Admin functions] function page, and then select the target operating system in the expanded system list page. Here I I chose ubuntu-16.04-x86_64, which is the 64-bit version of Ubuntu 16.04, and then check [I agree that all existing data on my VPS will be loast.] Allow Clear all data on the original system has been cleared, and then click [Reload] to start the system reinstallation:

If before reinstalling The server is not shut down, click to reinstall the system and the following error will appear:

Install new OSUnable to reload a running VPS. Please stop the VPS and try again.

So you need to stop the status of the VPS host first.

The reinstallation process is very fast. According to the following information on the panel, it takes about 15 minutes.

Install new OSOperating system is currently being reinstalled , and it can take up to 15 minutes to complete.Once finished, you will receive an e-mail notification at {your mailbox}You will need a new root password to access your VPS: {your server root new password}New SSH Port: {new ssh connection port}

SMS notification will be sent to the mailbox after reinstallation:

Operating system ubuntu-16.04-x86_64 has been successfully installed on server localhost.localdomain [{ip address}].Your temporary root password: {your server root new password}Your SSH port: {new ssh connection port}

4. Reconnect:

We modify the ssh parameters, and then reconnect to the server, and the connection is successful, you can see:

Connecting to {ip address}:{port number}...Connection established.To escape to local shell, press 'Ctrl+Alt+ ]'.Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-62-generic x86_64) * Documentation: https :// * Management: * Support: packages can be updated.0 updates are security updates.*** System restart required ***root@ubuntu:~# 

You can query the kernel information through cat /proc/version and uname -a.


Compared the original CentOS 6.8 system with the newly installed Ubuntu 16.04 system, you can see that CentOS occupies less RAM and hard disk space after startup.

Reference materials:

  • vps reinstallation system for bricklayer movers
  • Basics-bricklayer movers VPS reinstall Linux system process and precautions


< p>The VPS server I just purchased has CentOS 6.8 installed by default, but the operating systems I used before are CentOS 7.0 and Ubuntu 16.04, so I’ll study how to reinstall the system by moving bricklayer VPS. The goal is to change the system to Ubuntu 16.04.

Reinstall the system:

1. Enter the control panel:< /strong>

First of all, on the Client Area of ​​the masonry account login page, enter the account password to log in, and then click on the menu bar [Services]——> [My Services ], and then click on the [KiwiVM Control Panel] item of the server to be reinstalled on the page to enter the system control panel.

2. Shutdown:

Select the [Admin functions] function page in the control panel interface In the [Main controls] option, click the [stop] button on the expanded interface on the right to stop the VPS host:

< p>The following interface will appear when the shutdown is successful:

3. Select system:

In the control panel interface, select the [Instance new OS] option in the [Admin functions] function page, and then select the target operating system in the expanded system list page. Here I I chose ubuntu-16.04-x86_64, which is the 64-bit version of Ubuntu 16.04, and then check [I agree that all existing data on my VPS will be loast.] Allow Clear all data on the original system has been cleared, and then click [Reload] to start the system reinstallation:

If before reinstalling The server is not shut down, click to reinstall the system and the following error will appear:

Install new OSUnable to reload a running VPS. Please stop the VPS and try again.

So you need to stop the status of the VPS host first.

The reinstallation process is very fast. According to the following information on the panel, it takes about 15 minutes.

Install new OSOperating system is currently being reinstalled , and it can take up to 15 minutes to complete.Once finished, you will receive an e-mail notification at {your mailbox}You will need a new root password to access your VPS: {your server root new password}New SSH Port: {new ssh connection port}

SMS notification will be sent to the mailbox after reinstallation:

Operating system ubuntu-16.04-x86_64 has been successfully installed on server localhost.localdomain [{ip address}].Your temporary root password: {your server root new password}Your SSH port: {new ssh connection port}

4. Reconnect:

We modify the ssh parameters, and then reconnect to the server, and the connection is successful, you can see:

Connecting to {ip address}:{port number}...Connection established.To escape to local shell, press 'Ctrl+Alt+ ]'.Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-62-generic x86_64) * Documentation: https:/ / * Management: * Support: packages can be updated. 0 updates are security updates.*** System restart required ***root@ubuntu:~# < /pre> 

You can query the kernel information through cat /proc/version and uname -a.


Compared the original CentOS 6.8 system with the newly installed Ubuntu 16.04 system, you can see that CentOS occupies less RAM and hard disk space after startup.

Reference materials:

  • vps reinstallation system for bricklayer movers
  • Basics-bricklayer movers VPS reinstall Linux system process and precautions

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