.NET Framework Features New Category (Globalization) Functional Category Library: Microsoft Visual Studio International Pack 1.0 Edition Beta1

.NET Framework’s new class library for globalization: Microsoft Visual Studio International Pack 1.0 Beta1

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. NET program developers who want to build a globalized application must have different functions in a variety of different cultures and languages. The Visual Studio International Pack includes a set of class libraries to meet such needs. Visual Studio International Pack 1.0 The version is aimed at four different languages ​​in Asia, and provides the following seven different components to strengthen the support of the .NET Framework in the globalization function.

  • East Asian numbers Formatting library-can format numerical data into Chinese traditional, Chinese simplified, Japanese and Korean numerical uppercase strings.
  • Japanese Kana conversion library-can convert Kana symbol groups to other Japanese representations Method.
  • Japanese text alignment class library-can generate Japanese-specific text alignment strings in the application.
  • Japanese Yomi automatic completion class library-provides a class library and TextBox The control example supports the automatic completion of the Japanese input method.
  • The Korean Autocomplete TextBox control-Provides a TextBox control to support the automatic completion of the Korean input method and the Intellisense function.
  • < li> Simplified Chinese Pinyin Conversion Class Library-can help applications to obtain information such as the pinyin and strokes of Simplified Chinese characters.

  • Chinese Traditional Simplified Conversion Class Library and Add-In Tool-can help applications convert Chinese Traditional to Traditional Chinese String to simplified Chinese, or from simplified to traditional. This component also includes a Visual Studio Add-In tool, which can convert the string in the resource file from traditional to simplified. Allow users to quickly develop cross-strait three places Application.

Original: Big Column New class library in the globalization function of .NET Framework: Microsoft Visual Studio International Pack 1.0 Beta1

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