1. Download
Windows version of Redis download address https://github.com/MicrosoftArchive/redis/releases
2. Install
The compressed package that will be downloaded Unzip to the specified path, such as: D:\Program Files\Redis-x64-3.2.100
Open the CMD window with administrator privileges, enter the installation directory, and execute [redis-server.exe redis.windows. conf] Command
//Enter the installation directory:
D:\>cd "Program Files"
D:\Program Files>cd Redis-x64-3.2.100
//Install redis to windows service
D:\Program Files\Redis-x64-3.2.100>redis-server.exe - service-install redis.windows.conf --loglevel verbose
Open the windows service and check whether the installation is successful. If the installation is successful, start this service.
Finally, the default password for redis is empty