Windows adds a compressed version Redis to the service

1. Download

Windows version of Redis download address

windows add compressed version Redis to the service

2. Install

The compressed package that will be downloaded Unzip to the specified path, such as: D:\Program Files\Redis-x64-3.2.100

windows add compressed version of redis to the service

Open the CMD window with administrator privileges, enter the installation directory, and execute [redis-server.exe conf] Command

//Enter the installation directory:
D:\>cd "Program Files"
D:\Program Files>cd Redis-x64-3.2.100
//Install redis to windows service
D:\Program Files\Redis-x64-3.2.100>redis-server.exe - service-install --loglevel verbose

windows add compressed version of redis to the service

Open the windows service and check whether the installation is successful. If the installation is successful, start this service.

windows add compression Version redis to service

Finally, the default password for redis is empty

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