Third, use FFMPEG + NGINX + RTMP under Windows to build a live stream, draw

One. Environment

1. Development environment: windows

2. Development tools: FFmpeg, nginx, nginx-rmtp-module

(Link: Extraction code: lxmp)

3. Introduction: Nginx is a lightweight web server/reverse proxy server and email (IMAP/POP3) proxy server. Nginx-rmtp-module is a streaming plug-in for Nginx server. Nginx provides rtmp service through the rtmp module, ffmpeg pushes a rtmp stream to nginx, and then the client accesses nginx to watch the real-time video stream.

Two. Prepare files

Nginx, nginx-rmtp-module, FFmpeg and example mp4 video

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Three, build practice

1, start nginx server

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1, enter windows cmd

2, cd nginx - //Enter the nginx directory

3, nginx.exe -c conf
ginx-win-rtmp.conf //Run the rtmp configuration file

Note: At this time, the command line will always be in execution. Don’t bother about it or close it.

Test: enter localhost:80 in the browser, if the following page appears, it means that the configuration of nginx has started successfully!

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2. Configure FFmpeg

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1, decompression: decompress ffmpeg to the specified directory, here is D: fmpeg

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2. Environment configuration: Right click my computer ( Win10 is this computer) –> Properties –> Advanced System Settings –> Advanced –>Environment Variables –> Open Path,

Change D: fmpeg fmpegin (your ffmepg The absolute path of the bin directory in the decompression directory) is added to the Path path; Baidu if the specific method is not available

3. Test : Open the cmd of windows (don’t close the previous nginx) and enter ffmpeg -help. If the following situation occurs, the configuration is successful

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Operation by elevation:

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three , Run

1. Put the downloaded orange.mp4 file in the D: fmpeg directory folder of the D drive.

2. Open the cmd of windows newly (don’t close the previous ngnix) and enter the folder in the D: fmpeg directory.

3. Then enter the command:

ffmpeg -re -i orange.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -f flv rtmp://Your ip address: 1935/live/home

//Note: is the ip address of my computer, Need to be replaced with your ip address (ip address can be obtained through cmd's ipconfig command)
//For example: ffmpeg -re -i orange.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -f flv rtmp:// /home

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4. Open the vlc player on the computer Enter the address: rtmp ://Your ip address:1935/live/home

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Share a picture

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5, then click the command line to enter and then click play, and then you will see this at the beginning of the article The picture is complete!

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 ffmpeg -re -i orange.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -f flv rtmp://you Ip address: 1935/live/home

//Note: is the ip address of my computer, Need to be replaced with your ip address (ip address can be obtained through cmd's ipconfig command)
//For example: ffmpeg -re -i orange.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -f flv rtmp:// /home

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