In my project, my design works well in my Android HTC 2.3.4, but my screen is not displayed completely in 4.0.1 (some designs are cut from the bottom) .Why? Since you haven’t posted any code yet
Tag: Android
Need unknown module “Reactperf” when react native with existing Android applications
I am trying to integrate the latest React Native build, and I encountered an error. This is my project setting:
In the app’s build.gradle , I imported react-native 0.24.1:
Without XML Android Preferences Screen
I want to create a preference screen without writing an XML layout file. I want to store the settings in a SQLite database. Is this possible? You can use the following command to create a prefer
Use React Native to create an iOS framework and Android library from the public code library (instead of app)
Does anyone use react native to create iOS and Android applications that can be used as libraries/sub-projects in other iOS and Android native projects? Created in the case of this machine? My goal
React-native – Slow performance of React Native Android without Chrome debugging
I am experiencing performance issues on React Native Android. I am using Redux.
The problem is that when I turn on chrome debugging, my app Works fine (fast). When I close the remote debugger
How to find the Android version name in programming?
I write code to find such an Android version
String version=Build.VERSION.RELEASE; By using this code I get the version number but I want the version name.
How to get the version name?
Unicode and Android NDK
Is there a way to use UTF-8/16 strings in NDK without including multi-megabyte libraries such as ICU? Is ICU built into Android? If you use the default build (including all this, hundreds of cod
Even if the PHP file in the browser chrome is normal, the JSON object is empty when Android is logged in.
Follow my course
public class fetchUserDataAsyncTask extends AsyncTask {
User user;
GetUserCallback userCallBack;
public fetchUserDataAsyncTask(User user, GetUserCallback userCallBack) {
How do I get the Bssid – Android of the WiFi network configured in the requester?
When I use getConfiguredNetworks() to get the BSSID value, it will not give me anything. I get all other values except BSSID. Can anyone tell me why this is happening? Yes, the network I received
Mobile mesh network to share internet connection for Android
I am interested in mobile mesh networks, so we chose it as our graduation project. The idea is to build mobile mesh networks as a technology and Internet connection sharing as the top level of Andr