Hello developers!
I am developing a Windows Phone 7 application and I cannot figure out what I think is a simple question for experienced people.
Suppose I have a layout consisting of two element
Tag: change
Changes in XCode 4 – XIB do not reflect running
I just upgraded to Xcode 4. When I make any changes in the xib file, this does not show up on my simulator. I even deleted the xib from the project or quit Xcode-but still not-it runs as before.
iOS – How to change the height of UITableView to adapt to its dynamic content?
I have a UITableView, which contains a cell, and the cell contains a TTTextEditor (a Three20 control), all intents and purposes are UITextView. I am using TTTextEditor , So the user can enter a dyn
Cordova – Ionic Throws TypeError: Change view When you do not read NULL attribute ‘expire’
Whenever I change the view, my ionic application throws the following error, I can’t find the reason, anyone knows what I’m doing wrong?
TypeError: Cannot read property’expire’ of null
at fi
Cordova – How to change the webview background color in PhoneGap 2.7
I am developing an application in Phonegap. I have enabled in my config.xml. I use android in Manifest.xml: theme = “@ android:style / Theme.Holo.Light.NoActionBar”.
The problem is. My
WEBSERVICE path changes in the deployment phase
There are two ways I know about using WebService in .NET:
First, proxy mode
The proxy mode is to first reference the WebService in the project to generate a proxy, Then operate this proxy to
Ruby-on-rails – Update the coordinates of the modified model address using Google-Maps-for-Rails
I have noticed the Google Maps For Rails gem, otherwise it can work perfectly, when I change the address in the model field, the coordinates will not be updated automatically, even if the address f
Ruby-on-rails – When you accept the test and track BDD, are you asserting the database change or what you see?
I use Steak for acceptance testing on a Ruby on Rails application. Imagine I want to test the functionality of a form.
>If all fields If everything is correct, the user should be created.
Change a TSTATUSPANEL color after the initial program is loaded in Delphi?
I have a program with a status bar containing three elements at the bottom. I want to redraw the second element with a different font color to indicate that the user is valid. My question is The fi
Delphi – Change Ttoolbar Background Color
I encountered a problem, I usually cannot use its property ToolBar.Color to change the background color of TToolBar (such as clwhite). I am not very experienced in Delphi, I found two Possible solu