Reference article: /cn/web/0912_shenjc_dojobuild/
1. The tool is in /dojo/util/buildscriptsNext,build.batfile span>
Command: build profile=example acti
Reference article: /cn/web/0912_shenjc_dojobuild/
1. The tool is in /dojo/util/buildscriptsNext,build.batfile span>
Command: build profile=example acti
1. Download Windows version of Redis download address
The compressed package that will be downloaded Unzip to the specified path, such as:
Project name: File compression
Development environment: vs2010
Data structure used:
1, heap
2, huffmantree Huffman tree
3, Huffmancode Huffman coding
4, object-o
Thumbnails is Google’s open source image processing tool
1. Introduce Thumbnails into the maven project
1) 4 different types of tables have been created
2) Clean up the data in the hxh2, hxh3, and hxh4 tables, and keep the data in hxh1. The data size of the hxh1 table is: 74.1