What tools, APIs, and libraries can I use to create a real-time rendering of high-resolution 3D scenes on a monitor composed of 4, 8, 9, 16 screens/projectors system? For a setup with 8 projectors,
Tag: display
iPhone – UIWebView loading but not displayed (Xcode 4, iOS SDK 4.3)
I plan to write an application that includes UIWebView. So first I want to try it out by simply loading the URL.
>Create in Interface Builder UIWebView
>Connect to the code
@property (n
In iPad, iOS8, and Objective-C, UIALERTCONTROLLER does not display a cancel button
I am trying to use UIAlertController. I need a popup box with two buttons-“Cancel” and “Delete and Exit”. But I can only see “Delete and Exit” Button instead of cancel button. This is the code: –
PowerDesigner Design Table Shows Note Columns Comment
Select the table to be edited,【right click】->【Properties】->【Columns】->【Customize Columns and Filter】->【Comment】->【OK 】
Or use the shortcut key
【Right click】->【Properties】->【Columns】->【Ctrl+U】->【
iPad – Why is UISEARCHBAR and its range buttons displayed?
I have seen Apple’s example “TableSearch”. When you touch its scope button, it will appear below the search bar.
http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/ samplecode/TableSearch/Introduction/Int
iPad – UITEXTVIEW width is greater than 512 does not display text
Whenever I expand UITextView to a size greater than 512, the code is as follows:
textView = [[UITextView alloc ] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 513, 1024)]; It doesn’t display any text anymo
Add a code display in the table display in PowerDesigner
1.”Tools”->”Display Preferences…”
2. Select “Table” and click “Advanced”
3. Select “Columns”, Click the search icon to the right of “List columns”
p> 4. Select “Code”, move it to the top, and click “OK”. Don’t forget to click “OK” on the other parent pages.
iPad – How do I display an action table in Popover?
I have a split view controller with a table view controller on the left. When I click the detail disclosure button of a table cell, how do I display the action in a pop-up window surface? try th
PostgreSQL – PGADMIN Display Type [] But not type
I created an ENUM type in PostgreSQL tribool. I created a table column with tribool type. Now I am writing a function with tribool type parameters. However, pgAdmin is only in the drop-down list Tr
PowerDesigner displays a relationship name on the cable
The first way:< /span>
tools->display preferences->object view ->reference, select the checkbox before the constraint name.
I tried it myself, it seems that it doesn’t It’s not easy, I