Is it possible that the symbols in the ELF table use UTF8 characters or are they limited to ASCII?
Note: This is not the problem I am trying to solve, but more problems I want to know.
Is it possible that the symbols in the ELF table use UTF8 characters or are they limited to ASCII?
Note: This is not the problem I am trying to solve, but more problems I want to know.
Sorry if this sounds trivial. I just didn’t get it. How can I determine if a particular sprite already exists in the layer? Basically, I need to check this before deciding whether to add it to the
Create a sprite You can use an image to create a sprite, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, WebP, these formats are all available, of course there are There are some other ways to create sprites, such as using atlas
I recently started to pay attention to cocos2d game development.
What is the difference between sprites and textures?
Maybe I can pass the “bitmap” there. What is a bitmap?
They all se
I am making a Sprite kit game, which includes a logo screen, main menu, other menus and 2 playback scenes. Should I use a storyboard? I did it with the pure code of each scene, but I ran into probl