I have read that this mapping is impossible in NHibernate 3.3:
Basically I need a composite id attribute to be automatically calculated by NH.
There may be one Tips for gett
I have read that this mapping is impossible in NHibernate 3.3:
Basically I need a composite id attribute to be automatically calculated by NH.
There may be one Tips for gett
I am using the TestNG framework for integration testing. I want to use TestNG to generate JUnit style XML reports. My project does not use Ant, but we use Maven. Can you tell me JUnit style XML Wha
private void SaveRss()
string {
}}}}}}}}}}}}}} · · ····································· = “rss version=”+2.0;
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath(“rss.xml”));
If (!file.Exi
1. Personnel organization structure
2, conceptual model
New conceptual model
< /p> 650) this.width=650;” src=”/wp-content/uploadshttp:/img.voidcn.com/vcimg/static/loading.png “tit
There are two types The method can be established, here I will only talk about the simplest one: Core->Channel Model->Single-page document management: add a page
1. RSS page title: rss Templa