I have a problem when calculating the CRC-16 implementation of a byte array in java. Basically I am trying to send the bytes to the RFID that starts to write the tag. I can use the mac Check the tc
Tag: Implementation
Operating System – How to learn how to learn the operating system and implement your operating system
I am learning operating systems, their different viewpoints, such as different scheduling algorithms, etc. My question is: Can I use my own operating system as a project for the last year? Please s
The order of linear tables representation and implementation
1 #include//c++ universal header file, you don’t need to write this other header file
2 using namespace std;//Use the namespace, you don’t care
4 #define List_Init_Size 100
5 #define Lis
LINUX Under Construction of iSCSI Sharing Storage LINUX-IO Target mode DEBIAN9.5 implementation
The iSCSI (internet SCSI) technology is researched and developed by IBM. It is a SCSI instruction set for hardware devices that can run on the upper layer of the IP protocol. This set of instructio
Third, SerSYNC + RSYNC implements server file real-time synchronization
1. Why use rsync+sersync architecture? 1, sersync is developed based on inotify, similar to inotify-tools tools
2, sersync can record changes in the monitored directory (including Add, delet
[Data Structure] Implementation of Static Links (C Language Description)
#include #include “stdlib.h”#define OK 1#define ERROR 0#define TRUE 1#define FALSE 0#define MAXSIZE 1000 // Define linear table Maximum capacity typedef int Status; typedef int ElemType; // Define
Jumping table Skiplist [data structure] principle and implementation
Why Jump Table Currently, the balanced data structures often used are: B-tree, red-black tree, AVL Tree, Splay Tree, Treep, etc.
Imagine giving you a piece of scratch paper, a pen, and an edi
[Data Structure] Stack Surface Test – Two Stacks Realize a queue
First of all, we must be clear that the stack is first-in-last-out, and the queue is first-in-first-out. After this their respective characteristics, we use two stacks to implement a queue.
[Data Structure] Stack Realizing the Law Problem of Maze
Solve the problem of solving the maze, start from the entrance and explore in a certain direction , If you can get through, then continue to move forward; otherwise, retreat along t
[Data Structure] Stack Surface Test – A Array Realizing Two Stacks
One array to realize two stacks, there are several ways:
1. The odd-numbered positions of the array store the elements of one stack, and the even-numbered positions store the elements of th