I am using python subprocess for IPC. Now, let us assume that I have to use subprocess.Popen to spawn other processes, so I cannot use multiprocessing.Pipe for communication. First, I thought Is to
Tag: load
Select the Java Restful framework for the server that is heavy.
I’m trying to figure out what the Java Restful framework is the most suitable identity manager server for overloading.
Is anyone running a load test for the Restful framework and would like to sha
Haproxy load balancing strategy
HAProxy is a free and open source software written in C language, which provides high availability, load balancing, And application proxy based on TCP and HTTP. HAProxy supports virtual hosts. The
In a small store, what is the recommended load test policy (ie, analog large number of clients) server applications?
I developed a web-based multi-component software system designed to run on any number of machines. I assume a typical 1 to 4 machine setup.
I want to take system testing seriously, and I have
Configure Haproxy to implement load balancing
1. Introduction to haproxy
HAProxy is a free and open source software written in C language[1], which provides high availability, load balancing, and applications based on TCP and HTTP Progra
Load Balancing – LoadMaster displays the server as “UP”, but I can’t access it.
I am setting up load balancing through KEMP LoadMaster. I have set up everything and reached the point where the real server starts, the virtual server starts, and the ping works but the http reque
JMeter online load and problem solving
Main control machine: The machine storing the JMeter script is called the main control machine Load machine: The machine that is connected and used to run the script is called the load machine. Ope
Load Balancing – How to use GCP Load Balancer to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS
I have set the standard GCP load balancer to point to my instance group. It communicates on the same port on the instance. I want to redirect http to https. I usually Do this in nginx or apache on
Shell – small-scale load balancing
I have a series of tasks that need to be completed; there are no dependencies between the tasks. I am looking for a tool that can help me distribute these tasks to machines. The only restriction is
Cloud service load balancing using Azure extremely imbalanced
I’m using Azure to host a cloud service. I recently modified this service to scale across multiple instances, including the session cache worker role. My question is, why would I See extreme load (