Lua was born to interact with C, so use CExpandLuaOr change LuaEmbed in CThese are very popular practices. To understand Cand L
Lua was born to interact with C, so use CExpandLuaOr change LuaEmbed in CThese are very popular practices. To understand Cand L
I wrote a userdata type for Lua in C language. It has some array type attributes and various methods. Now, if you are of this type, I use you: set (k,v)resp. u: Get (k) access data, such as u: sort
Note: If the overlapped value encounters nil, then exit
The iterator is in line with the for traversal framework and needs to be satisfied Conditions
1- Iterative functions, constants,
Context: I am working on a set of bindings, and many of my functions refer to the “global” Lua state. (It is not actually global in the code I am developing, but Local to a specific runtime instanc
When I use OpenResty to write Lua code, I need to use Lua regular expressions, where the pattern is like this,
–Water heater setting time
local s = ’12:33′
local pattern = “(20|21|22|23|[01
I am new to lua.
I tried to use< br>and it throws an error on the inaccessible directory.
This seems to be caused by luaL_erro
I received an error saying that the “end” is missing, but I looked at the entire code without seeing it.
local Grid = {}
Grid.__index = Grid
function, h) do
t = {}
I don’t know how to debug scripts effectively. I need stack output like Python, but Lua/C doesn’t have this by default. I don’t know how to enable it. Or simply put , How to get the error output fr
This code confuses me.
if (gogo == true) then
elseif (gogo == false) then
end Why gogo evaluates to true ? Shouldn’t it produce an error?
I am using Lua as the data description language for my C application. I have a bunch of C classes that are bound to Lua using SLB 2.0. I have binding methods such as’SetPos ‘Or’SetName’. I use a ta