Is there a command or Maven plugin that I can use to add dependencies to the POM from the command line?
For example, I want to type the following:
mvn lazy:add-dependency -DgroupId=com.
Is there a command or Maven plugin that I can use to add dependencies to the POM from the command line?
For example, I want to type the following:
mvn lazy:add-dependency -DgroupId=com.
4.0.0< /modelVersion> com.zzq.main zzq-main 0.0.1.RELEASE war zzq- main 4.4 0.0.1.RELEASE 4.1.8.RELEASE 4.3.11.Final 1.1.0.Final 1.8.2 .RELEAS
Add the following fragment in pom.xml
Run mvn jetty:stop, see the following keywords, description Stopped successfully
Note: It is best to use the latest version of jetty jar package, the o
jetty start the maven project
clean jetty:run
Debug environment
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp: transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1066
WebService is a cross-programming language and cross-operating system platform remote calling technology. The so-called remote call is a method by which a program on a computer a can call an object
I recently had a new Macbook Pro working and noticed that it takes about 15 minutes to build our code base in Maven2, while others in my team use slightly older The Macbook (but similar/same specif
MAC install JDK: This article is mainly for Install JDK1.8 and configure system environment variables under MAC Apple system. It is mainly divided into the following steps:
Download from jdk
—Restore content begins—
1, maven download
Download link: tar.gz
2. Decompress and configu
1. Java environment variables are configured File location: /Users/lucax/.bash_profile
CLASSPAHT=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/ tools.jar
export JAVA_HOME
This article is an operation document for configuring jdk and maven under the premise that IDEAL has been installed.
1, Download and configure JDK and Maven
Mac download and configure M