Mac system installation JDK, Tomcat, MySQL, Maven

MAC install JDK:

This article is mainly for Install JDK1.8 and configure system environment variables under MAC Apple system. It is mainly divided into the following steps:

  • Go to the Oracle official website to download the JDK1.8 installation package.
  • Open the obtained installation package and install it on the system step by step.
  • Configure system environment variables.
  • Verify that JDK1.8 is installed successfully.

Download JDK1.8 installation package from Oracle official website

Download from jdk official website

Or go

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Open the obtained installation package and install it on the system step by step p>

After the download is complete, we get a dmg installation package, as shown in the figure below, the name is jdk-8u211-macosx-x64.dmg, which means that the version number of java8 is 211 JDK installation package.

jdk installation packageDouble-click the dmg installation package to open the window as shown in the figure below.

install jdkClick on JDK 8 Update 211.pkg, and then it is a fool-like installation. It has been installed according to the system prompts~

Configure system environment variables

In the previous step, on the actual label, we just copied the JDK1.8 files to the operating system. But if we want to use JAVA commands on the terminal, and let the actual application know the existence of the JDK1.8 environment, then we also need to configure the environment variables of the system.
First of all, we have to know where the JDK directory is installed. According to the path below, we can find the home directory of the JDK, as shown in the figure below.


1 cd /

Open .bash_profile and Edit:

vi .bash_profile

Add the following sentence at the end of the file and save it

export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_211.jdk/Contents/Home


Verify whether JDK1.8 is installed Success

Terminal input: java -version, the java version number is displayed correctly, the installation is successful~

< span style="color: #008080;">1 cd /

vi .bash_profile

export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_211.jdk/Conte nts/Home

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