The C# program always fails the verification when sending the RSA-encrypted password to the backend. I use wireshark to capture packets and find that the + signs in the password sent by POST have b
Tag: middle
Is it possible to have a whole result set in MySQL?
Is it possible to apply a hash function to the entire result set in mysql.
I know how to hash values in each row of the result set< /p> For example, SELECT md5(‘something’)
But say I
How to read an integer group in the file in C
I have a text file, each line contains one or more integers, separated by spaces. How can I read this in C in an elegant way? If I don’t care about the line, I can use cin>>, but the important thin
Do you use AKKA Cluster to run separate Actor systems on each host in a distributed system?
This is my assumption based on Stackoverflow reading.
You have multiple system components:
As described in the microservice model, each system
TypeScript – “Prototype” in the “MyObject” type
I want to use Angular2 to write a web application on Webstorm. I am very good at doing this. I am trying out the tutorial on the angular website Angular.IO.
export class PersonComponent {
Which protocol defines conj in clojure?
Let me say I wrote a function:
(defn foo [to x] (conj to x)) And hope to record it by declaring that certain protocols must be implemented (for example, the structure/type must support calli
Cluster extruded nodes in Graphviz
I want to draw several related subgraphs in GraphViz. When I draw simple nodes, it looks very beautiful:
digraph {
A1 -> A21;
A1 -> A22;
A1 -> A23;
A1 -> A24
Agreement – “for” actually checking “for” in “defimpl” in Elixir?
Does “for” always check the type of the first parameter in each function defined in the protocol?
Edit (paraphrase):
When the protocol method has only one parameter, find the implementation
Card distribution in SLAM
When matching feature points of adjacent frames in visual slam, there are thousands of feature points at every turn. Mismatching is inevitable, and mismatching will inevitably affect the accuracy o