I am trying to use regexp to find eveything in a div. I know there may be a smarter way – but I chose regexp.
So currently My regular expression pattern is as follows:
I am trying to use regexp to find eveything in a div. I know there may be a smarter way – but I chose regexp.
So currently My regular expression pattern is as follows:
yum install -y httpd php
rpm -qa httpd php
php-5.3.3 -48.el6_8.x86_64
Modify the apache configuration file:
vim /
I have a string, for example:
$foo =’Hello __(“How are you”) I am __(“very good thank you”)’ I know this is a strange string, but please come with me: P
I need a regular expression to f
I have an array of strings. I need to use regular expressions to search for strings in the array. Is it possible? If so, please explain.. $a = preg_grep(“/search_word/”,$array_of_strings);
I recently installed memcached and homebrew, I am not entirely sure how to enable my PHP environment, because I added extension = memcached in /etc/php.ini in Lion OS X. so.
Even if I restart
PHP’s Mail function can be used to send emails. For example, check whether the Linux server PHP supports the Mail function?
How to check whether PHP supports the Mail function
There are
I am trying to install apc (alternative php cache) on centos 5 server. I tried yum search apc and only found the relevant package of American power company. How do I install apc?
I am trying
I am trying to set up a virtual host for a new ubuntu/php5.5/nginx installation
etc/nginx/sites_available/mydomain.com:< /p>
server {
listen 80 default_server;
root /home/www/mydomain.c
1. php.ini (usr/local/php/etc)
max_execution_time = 300
2. php-fpm.conf (usr/local/php/etc)
request_terminate_timeout = 300
3.nginx.conf (usr/local/nginx/conf)< /strong>
nginx andphpseparate building
nginx configuration
server {
server_name www.a.org; Define the domain name
location / {
root root /www/a.org; Definition php web page fil