I have a UIWebKit with HTML, this HTML has a few images and text, but just showing it gives me a memory warning. So I did some tests:
Same The HTML has different images, full size and the same ima
Tag: Using
Table Structure Design with PowerDesigner – Express into SQL scripts, and solve Chinese garbled
For newcomers who are new to PowerDesigner, if you use PowerDesigner to design the structure of the table, if you just simply design the mapping relationship of the data model to view it, then ther
Export PDM model and generate documentation using PowerDesigner reverse engineering
Original: Using PowerDesigner reverse engineering to export PDM models and generate documents
Recently, it is necessary to refactor and optimize old projects. Since the projects are all years
Create a general query in SQLite-Net C # using SQLiteAsyncConnection
I am using SQLite-net (https://github.com/praeclarum/sqlite-net) to implement a database using Mono on Android and have the following functions:
public class DatabaseTestASync
private SQLi
SQLite uses SQLite-Net to add Windows 8 Metro C #
I am using C# and SQLite as the database of Windows-8-Metro-App. I want to use Join-Command, but I don’t know how to read the given return data. Function:
db.Query(“SELECT * FROM Person, Job
Generate a table structure to the Word document using PowerDesigner
Sometimes, when writing various system-related documents, you need to add the structure of the database table to the document. If you manually If you add it, it’s very ridiculous.
There are m
Use complete SQLite3 as a user on Linux to build Python 2.5
This is a complicated question, at least for me. Here:
I work as a user on a linux server and can safely assume It is simply impossible to install any packages that have not been installed.
Problem processing using PowerDesigner16 anti-compiling Oracle database
Recently, when using powerdesigner to decompile Oracle, I encountered a failure to connect to Oracle using odbc. After many tests, it was found that the problem was caused by the use of 64-bit odbc, which was replaced with 32-bit, and the problem disappeared.
PowerDesigner Connect the mysql database using the DSN file
First create a new PDM model
Enter the password and click OK, there will be a little pause and then a pop-up will pop up. The connection is successful. This is to test whether it can be connected.
To connect to mysql in PDM, see the following steps:
PostgreSQL – JSON WHERE uses Query Builder to CLAUSE
This is the JSON value in the data column of a thing table:
{a: [{b: 1} , {b: 2}]} I can use the original query like this to get all the content containing b equal to 1:
select * from t