One, elaborate The background of Linux HA Cluster;
HA Introduction
1. Definition of high-availability cluster
High-availability cluster, the original English is High Availability Clust
One, elaborate The background of Linux HA Cluster;
HA Introduction
1. Definition of high-availability cluster
High-availability cluster, the original English is High Availability Clust
One Heartbeat basic theory
Provide redundant system:
HA Cluster: In order to improve the system callability, combine multiple hosts to build a cluster;
Split brain, partitioned cluste
Experimental environment:
Virtual machine ha1:
Virtual machine ha2:
< span style="font-size:14px;font-family:'宋体';"> Virtual machine nfsserver: 192.1
Regarding the heartbeat v2 version description, using the hb_gui window management tool, there will be a separate process mgmtd to test crm, which is responsible for crm work and monitors the tcp p
Because the built-in resource manager haresource function of heartbeat v1 is relatively simple and does not support graphical management, Therefore, heartbeat v2 no longer supports h
The definition of Heartbeat
The Heartbeat project is an integral part of the Linux-HA project, and it is also the most successful example of the current open source HA project. The full name of Li
One, what is Heartbeat< /strong>
Heartbeat is a highly available cluster system based on Linux open source. It mainly includes two highly available cluster components, heartbeat service and r
I am trying to upload a large file (~900MB) via Dropbox API v2 but I am getting this error:
It is suitable for smaller files.< /p> I found in the document that I need to use the files_upload_
heartbeat+httpd HA installation preparations
1, server information
First verify the basic functions of HA through heartbeat, two nodes The server provides httpd service, verify th