I have tried escaping (instead of escaping), (and without) single quotes and double qoutes but I am always on the 404 page.
Is it even possible? I tried to look for it, but landed https://ser
I have tried escaping (instead of escaping), (and without) single quotes and double qoutes but I am always on the 404 page.
Is it even possible? I tried to look for it, but landed https://ser
Is there a way to let a function know whether it is running in a coroutine?
For example, I have a send_message() function that tries to send a message three times. It takes one second between
I want to know if there is an exception/error, which will cause your code to jump to an except block but will not be processed by the E: exception.
i := StrToInt(s);
{…do a lot more..
Can I add my own operators and meta methods to strings in Lua?
I want to do something like this:
local str = “test”
print(str[2 ]) –> “e”
print(str()) –> “TEST”
print(-str) –> “tset”
As we all know, regular expressions implemented in a recursive manner (rather than NFA/DFA) may require exponential running time in some cases. Lua patterns are implemented through recursive matche
I am looking for analysis functions like PARTITION BY in MySQL (see docs for more information)
Does it exist ?
Update 04/2018
MySQL 8.0 now supports window functions.
I am l
I have been studying noSQL DB, and I have not been able to answer myself satisfactorily: Can complex queries be constructed on noSQL DB?
The type of query I want to know will be like this: