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I have an array of strings. I need to use regular expressions to search for strings in the array. Is it possible? If so, please explain.. $a = preg_grep(“/search_word/”,$array_of_strings);
I have read that this mapping is impossible in NHibernate 3.3:
Basically I need a composite id attribute to be automatically calculated by NH.
There may be one Tips for gett
In one of the projects, we started with an annotation-based ORM. We now require keeping the Entity class as ordinary Javabeans instead of bringing any other layer-specific details into it Therefore
Okay, I have a map loaded with pins from a remote JSON feed, and it is loaded into the application. Everything is ok.
Now , From the initial experiment, regionDidChangeAnimated is called mult
Suppose I use a web browser to upload a huge file (may be several GB), it may take several hours to transfer all the data to the server. Assume that the server does not have the size of the file up
When trying to deploy an Office 365 add-in to one of our customers, we encountered the following problems:
The add-in is on the Word desktop and Word Online Loading. When one of the buttons i
I recently changed the naming convention of the files in the job folder. Since I need to support both the new naming convention and the old naming convention when a user tries to download a specifi
is just a simple task. I have a dictionary var types = [Int: String](), it is like an empty one, after some user operations, it is filled with data. According to this dictionary I enable/disable th
I have a Silverlight client that calls WCF services on the IIS Web server. It uses the default basicHttpBinding settings to call. My client code has the option to use the “Update Service Reference”