I am trying to install react-native through npm install –save react-native for my library so I can export a react component that uses View as a wrapper, and its children are platform-independent .When I try to import react-native, it spews hundreds of lines, saying that it cannot parse the module in react-native
Tag: why
ReactJS – Why is React need so much node_modules? How to limit loading all these files to make it worth using React?
When I installed react on npm, I got the following folders in node_modules:
> amdefine
>as soon as possible
> base62< br>> core-js
> envify
> esprima-fb
> fbjs
> js-tokens
> jstransform
Flex 3: Error: Repeater has not been executed … I know why, but I don’t know how to solve it.
I have the following code:
I know you can’t Click to use currentItem or currentIndex… and this problem is fixed by the getRepeaterItem() function, but I am not sure how to use it. DP is a b
Regular expression – Why does this frontal assertion does not work when anchored to the beginning of a string?
Why does this post-assertion not work when it is fixed at the front of the string? Run the following code, and you will see that the first test passes, but the second test only passes the ^ anchor
Why doesn’t my regular expression matching version number does not work?
I am using perl regular expressions to match a problem with a web script I have, and I have managed to put the behavior in a small snippet.
Use this Perl snippet in Perl 5.10.0 in Debian:
Why do we have to recompile the C source code for different operating systems on the same machine?
When I compile my c source code (for example, in a Linux environment), the compiler generates the file in a “machine-readable” format.
>Why can’t the same file run on the same machine under d
Operating system – Why is the address of the variable remains the same in the modified Fork () system call
Please consider the following code snippet.
if (fork() == 0)
a = a + 5;
printf(“%d, %d
“, a, &a);
a = a-5;
printf (“%d, %d
“, a,& a);
} AFAIK, when creating fork(), the paren
Why not display color in Iterm2
So I have my gitconfig settings to do colors. In the terminal, it works well and looks good.
However, in iTerm2, all colors will not appear in my gitconfig except for the reverse properties o
Why can’t I update to the latest MongoDB using Homebrew?
I installed mongo version 2.0.2 on my Mac, and I installed it using Homebrew. The course I’m using is using the “aggregation” function, which can only be used in version 2.2 of Mongo. I tried to do
Coding style – why DRY is not considered a good thing?
People who seem to never dared to cut and paste code have no problem specifying the type of things over and over again. Why not emphasize that type information should only be declared once, so that