ReactJS – Why is React need so much node_modules? How to limit loading all these files to make it worth using React?

When I installed react on npm, I got the following folders in node_modules:

> amdefine
>as soon as possible
> base62< br>> core-js
> envify
> esprima-fb
> fbjs
> js-tokens
> jstransform
>loose envify
>Source image
> ua-parser-js
> whatwg-fetch

I have used React in my personal project before, but when I run When npm install “something”, I never delved into what actually happened (how many files were actually downloaded). I always felt that it was just magic.

My company does not use any node modules (our The stack is PHP). How can I make an argument that includes all the above reaction dependencies is it worth it? (I really just want more experience with React). How to limit the number of dependencies in React? What is the minimum number of dependencies required to run React?

Attachment: npm install downloads 1350 files!

Let me know what you think!

The question is – why limit the number of these modules?

If some of your backends are written in nodes-don’t worry, it’s okay.

If your entire backend is written in PHP and you just want Use react on the client side, so why not use bower to install it?

Also, you should check the final size of your minification, compression and gzip javascript-even with all these dependencies, you might be surprised.

When I installed react on npm, I got the following folders in node_modules:

> amdefine
>As soon as possible
> base62
> core-js
> envify
> esprima-fb
> fbjs
> js-tokens
> jstransform
>loose envify
>source map
> ua-parser-js
> whatwg-fetch

I have used React in my personal project before, but when I run npm install “something”, I never I have studied in depth what actually happened (how many files were actually downloaded). I always feel that it is just magic.

My company does not use any node modules (our stack is PHP). How can I propose Is the argument that includes all the above reaction dependencies worthwhile? (I really just want more experience with React). How to limit the number of dependencies in React? What is the minimum number of dependencies required to run React?

Attachment: npm install downloads 1350 files!

Let me know what you think!

The question is-why limit the number of these modules?

If some of your backends are written in nodes-don’t worry, it’s okay.

If your entire backend is written in PHP and you just want Use react on the client side, so why not use bower to install it?

Also, you should check the final size of your minification, compression and gzip javascript-even with all these dependencies, you might be surprised.

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