I wrote the following code:
MainForm: TMainForm;
SKey =’SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles’;
{$ R *.d
I wrote the following code:
MainForm: TMainForm;
SKey =’SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles’;
{$ R *.d
I added map(), reduce() and where(qlint: string) to my Spring4D branch.
When I wrote these functions, I found the behavior of the list There are differences when they are created in different ways
I am using Delphi 7 (I know it is antique) and I am a little confused about the form I am creating and break it when I complete it.
In My main form, I used to “have” the following code;
Algorithm comparison
Binary tree
When I look for 8 Five steps are needed
Red and black Tree
When I query 8 It takes four times when there are some optimizations relative to
They can be used as follows:
FieldInfo field = fieldof(string.Empty);
MethodInfo method1 = methodof(int.ToString);
MethodInfo method2 = methodof(int.ToString(IFormatProvider)); fieldof can be compiled into IL, as follows:
call FieldInfo.GetFieldFromHandle methodof can be compiled into IL as:
var fillData = new List();
for (var i = 0; i fillData.Add(i);
var stopwatch1 = new Stopwatch();
var autoFill = new List();
If you enter
SELECT (true or true and false) In mysql, It will return 1, which is true. Why is this happening? What is the order of evaluation in Boolean expressions?
If you enter
I tried to inherit the following type, but the compiler says it is final.
class Dice(private var side: Int)
constructor(D: DiceTypesK): this(D.value) {}
class ExplodedDice(private val D:
In the above image, class B inherits class A. If B inherits all methods of A, shouldn’t the arrow go from A to B? In my opinion, if the arrow is from A to B, it will make more sense.
Is there
I have a column family with a secondary index. The secondary index is basically a binary field, but I am using a string. The field named is_exported can be “true “Or “false”. After the request, all