Almost all online game servers have a heartbeat package (HeartBeat or Ping) design. In the recent development of mobile game servers, the heartbeat package is also used. Thinking about thinking, is
Tag: why
Performance – Why `pickle.dump” chickle.Load`ipc is so slow, is there a quick substitute?
I am using python subprocess for IPC. Now, let us assume that I have to use subprocess.Popen to spawn other processes, so I cannot use multiprocessing.Pipe for communication. First, I thought Is to
Performance – When I use a thread, why will my Perl script slowly decompress the file?
So I run perl 5.10 on core 2 duo macbook pro compiled with thread support: usethreads = define, useithreads = define. I have a simple script to read 4 gzip files , Each file contains 750,000 lines.
Performance – Idata.frame: Why is wrong “Is.Data.frame (DF) is not TRUE”?
I use a large data frame called exp( file here) in R. In order to improve performance, I suggest that I view the idata.frame() function from plyr. But I think I’m wrong
My original phone is s
Performance – Excel 2003: Why do you have a link to other spreadsheets for so long?
My Excel application creates links to other Excel files. It takes about 1 second to create a link to a cell, but I have hundreds of cells to link, so it’s very Slow.
There is no difference in spee
Performance – Why is all refreshed [F5], then enter and press Enter from the address bar?
I have benchmarked my application, and I found one thing that surprised me. I hope it is clear why the two are different things. < /p> Press in the address bar, and then enter within 1.5 to 3 secon
WCF SOA: CRUD Data Access Service … Why is this trouble (or our design is wrong)?
There is a data access service in our SOA WCF system. This service is responsible for performing CRUD (create, update, delete) operations on “system-wide” database tables, and is also for querying
ASP.NET-MVC – Why does 2 constructor in Default AccountController provided by MVC?
This is the default AccountController.cs generated by the framework.
public class AccountController: Controller
public IFormsAuthentication FormsAuth {get; private set; }
public IMembersh
Why SCANF must use the address of the operator
As the title says, I always want to know why scanf must take the address of the operator (&). Because C has only “pass-by-value” parameters, to pass a’variable’ to put a value, you must pass its