Dojo Tree’s use

tree is a fairly common component in the web, here we understand the tree in dojo.

require(['dojo/json','dojo/text!./ data/countries.json','dojo/data/ItemFileReadStore','dijit/tree/ForestStoreModel', ...], function(json, countriesData, ItemFileReadStore, ForestStoreModel, ...){ // Create a new store and model for countries data var countriesStore = ItemFileReadStore ({data: json.parse (countriesData)}); var countriesModel = new ForestStoreModel ({store: this.countriesStore, query: {type: 'continent'}, rootId: 'Geography', rootLabel:'Geography'            });});

dojo中的tree的json形式如下, 保存为:countries.json文件

{ "identifier": "id", "label": "name" , "items": [{"id": "AF", "n ame":"Africa", "type":"continent", "population":"900 million", "area": ​​"30,221,532 sq km", "timezone": "-1 UTC to +4 UTC", "children ":[{"_reference":"EG"}, {"_reference":"KE"}, {"_reference":"SD"}] }, {"id": "EG", "name":"Egypt ", "type":"country" }, {"id": "KE", "name":"Kenya", "type":"country", "children":[{"_reference":"Nairobi"} , {"_reference":"Mombasa"}] }, {"id": "Nairobi", "name":"Nairobi", "type":"city" }, {"id": "Mombasa", "name ":"Mombasa", "type":"city" }, {"id": "SD", "name":"Sudan", "type":"country", "children":{"_reference":" Khartoum"} }, {"id": "Khartoum", "name":"Khartoum", "type":"city" }, {"id": "AS", "name":"Asia", "type ":"continent", "children":[{"_reference":"CN"}, {"_reference":"IN"}, {"_reference":"RU"}, {"_reference":"MN"} ] }, {"id": "CN", "name":"China", "type":"country" }, {"id": "IN", "name":"India", "type":"country" }, {"id": "RU", "name":"Russia", "type":"country" }, {"id": "MN", "name": "Mongolia", "type":" country" }, {"id": "OC", "name":"Oceania", "type":"continent", "population":"21 million", "children":{"_reference":"AU" }}, {"id": "AU", "name":"Australia", "type":"country", "population":"21 million"}, {"id": "EU", "name" :"Europe", "type":"continent", "children":[{"_reference":"DE"}, {"_reference":"FR"}, {"_reference":"ES"}, {" _reference":"IT"}] }, {"id": "DE", "name":"Germany", "type":"country" }, {"id": "FR", "name":" France", "type":"country" }, {"id": "ES", "name":"Spain", "type":"country" }, {"id": "IT", "name" :"Italy", "type":"country" }, {"id": "NA", "name":"N orth America", "type":"continent", "children":[{"_reference":"MX"}, {"_reference":"CA"}, {"_reference":"US"}] }, { "id": "MX", "name":"Mexico", "type":"country", "population":"108 million", "area":"1,972,550 sq km", "children":[{" _reference":"Mexico City"}, {"_reference":"Guadalajara"}] }, {"id": "Mexico City", "name":"Mexico City", "type":"city", "population ":"19 million", "timezone":"-6 UTC"}, {"id": "Guadalajara", "name":"Guadalajara", "type":"city", "population":"4 million ", "timezone":"-6 UTC" }, {"id": "CA", "name":"Canada", "type":"country", "population":"33 million", "area" :"9,984,670 sq km", "children":[{"_reference":"Ottawa"}, {"_reference":"Toronto"}] }, {"id": "Ottawa", "name":"Ottawa" , "type":"city", "population":"0.9 million", "timezone":"-5 UTC"}, {"id": "Toronto", "name":"Toronto", "type": "city" , "population":"2.5 million", "timezone":"-5 UTC" }, {"id": "US", "name":"United States of America", "type":"country" }, {"id": "SA", "name":"South America", "type":"continent", "children":[{"_reference":"BR"}, {"_reference":"AR"} ] }, {"id": "BR", "name":"Brazil", "type":"country", "population":"186 million" }, {"id": "AR", "name" :"Argentina", "type":"country", "population":"40 million" }]}

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