Dojo creates a form property to solve the form attribute using ProGrammatic (program).

dojox/layout/TableContainer, the form component in this container can have a label attribute, and it will also be displayed, an example is as follows:

Var tb=new TableContainer({

< p style=``margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:16px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; font-size:16px; font-family: Microsoft Yahei, Tahoma; line-height: 25.600000381469727px "> labelWidth:50,//lable’s width



var slan=new Select({


Label:’font size’,//select Label displayed in front of the box

title:”font size”,

style:”width: 70px”,



{label:”大”,value:”14″,style:”font- size::14px”}]

}} });

tb.addChild(slan); tb.addChild(slan);


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