How does DoJo load the topic?

I want to use themes in dojo, dojox, and dijit. Tundra. Do I just need the line?

Or required More CSS imports to get all the styles I need?

Do I need to import specific CSS for widgets such as dialog boxes?

also add it to the body:

I think that’s it: class appropriate CSS links.

This course hints at how to use different themes for different parts of the page .Just put the correct class on the parent of the subtree where you want to view the theme.

I want to use themes in dojo, dojox and dijit. Tundra. I Does it only need wiring?

Or required More CSS imports to get all the styles I need?

Do I need to import specific CSS for widgets such as dialog boxes?

Also add it to the body:


I think that’s it: class appropriate CSS links.

The course hints at how to use different themes for different parts of the page. Just put the correct class in the theme you want to view On the parent of the subtree.

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