Dojo learning tutorial

Dojo is one of the most famous Ajax open source projects, not only It allows web programmers to obtain and use its framework for web application development for free, and attracts a large number of developers to continuously expand it and develop new components. DojoX was born in such a development community. DojoX is a collection of dojo-based open source projects, these open source projects have very good ideas and high practicality. These DojoX projects may grow into a stable version and remain in DojoX, and some may be migrated to Dojo Core or Dijit. This article will give a general overview of the projects in DojoX and introduce some of the more distinctive projects with examples. This article will mainly introduce DataGrid, Charting, Gfx/Gfx 3D and DojoX Widget.

Get to know DojoX

At present, the DojoX project mainly expands data structure and algorithms, data processing and communication, utility tools, graphics API and Web UI, etc.

Projects involving data structures and algorithms include DojoX Collections, DojoX Encoding, etc. Collections defines many very useful data collections, including ArrayList, BinaryTree, Dictionary, Iterator, Queue, SortedList, Stack. The use of these sets will greatly improve the efficiency of program development and the quality of the program. Encoding not only provides string and character encoding conversion, but also provides symmetric algorithm Blowfish and MD5 digital digest algorithm.

DojoX Data, Embed, I/O, JSON, XML, RPC, etc. extend Dojo’s data processing and communication capabilities. Among them, the Data project provides support for more data formats, including support for csv files and APIs provided by Google, Picasa, and so on.

DojoX’s graphics API extends Dojo’s animation effects, And provide 2D, 3D drawing support. DojoX Fx provides a variety of animation effects through extensions to dojo core and dojo fx; gfx provides a series of vector drawing methods; and gfx3d provides some simple 3D drawing APIs.

And the richer Web UI and Web widgets are also A highlight of DojoX. The powerful Grid, practical Charting, DojoX Image and DojoX Layout make the Web UI developed based on dojo richer. DojoX Widgets also provides richer widgets to meet the needs of most application development.

In addition to the items introduced above, DojoX also collects Many useful tools, readers can get more information on the dojo API website.

Follow Let’s experience the excitement that DojoX brings to us.

Note: The dojo version used in this tutorial is 1.2.1. Due to the major changes in dojo and some components of dojoX in version 1.2.x, this article is only applicable to dojo1.2.x, for the development of dojo1.0 This article is for reference only, part of the code cannot run correctly

DojoX DataGrid

Grid Probably the most popular component in DojoX, Grid is more like a Web-based Excel component than ordinary Web table components. This allows Grid to cope with more complex data display and data manipulation. In dojox1.2, the DataGrid class is added to the dojox.grid package. This class is an enhancement and replacement of the original Grid class. It is called DataGrid because it is seamlessly integrated with the dojo data manipulation class store. . The previous Grid needs to package the store object as a model object before it can be used. If there is no special statement below, all Gird or DataGrid refers to the new version of DataGrid, not Grid1.0.

Figure 1. DojoX DataGrid
Figure 1 .DojoX DataGrid

Why do we need Grid? The features of Grid are listed below:

  • The user only needs to drag the scroll bar downwards, and the Grid can load delayed records, eliminating the need for page turning operations, reducing the interaction between the Web and the server, and improving performance;
  • You can add and delete cells at will , Row, or column;
  • For statistical summary of rows, Grid can generate reports similar to OLAP analysis;
  • Grid goes beyond the function of two-dimensional tables, it can span rows or span Columns merge cells to meet the needs of different data filling;
  • The row and column freeze function makes browsing data more flexible and convenient;
  • Grid event uses a hook mechanism, we can use the onStyle hook Complete the changes to the style;
  • The cell has rich operations, all dijit components can be used in the cell, and the cell can be converted to edit state by clicking;
  • Different context menus can be set for different cells;
  • Grid nesting, which means that Grid can nest other Grids in cells to form more complex applications;

In addition, Grid has many other Features, such as very useful even-numbered row coloring, flexible selection function, automatic adjustment of column width, data expansion/closing, etc.

DataGrid basics

To create a DojoX DataGrid, You need to have a general understanding of the basic working process of the DataGrid. The composition structure of a DataGrid instance is shown in the following figure. DojoX DataGrid is the basis of using DataGrid, so when using Grid, you need to load related dojox packages; a widget usually consists of a frame and style, so we need to specify the style of DataGrid Table and declare the DataGrid instance. The DataGrid instance will combine a Structure and a Store. Structure is the definition of a header and data model, and Store is used to carry data.

Figure 2. DataGrid composition structure
Figure 2. DataGrid composition structure

Let’s start our first DataGrid application. To create a DataGrid widget on a Web page, we start with the most basic two-dimensional table. First, we need to load some styles to ensure that the DataGrid can display normally, as shown in Listing 1.

Listing 1. Loading styles


The css file path here is relative to the test page.

Before starting to create the Grid, we have to introduce Dojo The basic package dojo.js is used to load other required dojo classes, and load the class and the dojox.grid.DataGrid class. Next we can proceed to develop the first DataGrid. The first is the definition of the layout, such as Listing 2

Listing 2. Define the layout

 var layout = [{field:'pro_no', name:'Product Number' }, {field:'pro', name:'Product' }, {field:'min_amount', name:'Minimum Amount' }, {field :'max_amount', name:'Maximum Amount' }, {field:'avg_amount', name:'Average Amount'} ]; 

< br style="color:rgb(54,46,43); font-family:Arial; font-size:14px; line-height:26px">

An array layout is defined here, where each member represents the definition of a column. The field specifies the data item used, and the value needs to follow the javascript variable definition rules; name is the name displayed in the column. Next is the development of store, the code is as Listing 3

List 3. Development store

 var sampleData = {identifier:'pro_no', label:'pro_no', items: [{pro_no:'2100', pro:'A Series', min_amount:346, max_amount:931, avg_amount:647}, {pro_no :'2200', pro:'B Series', min_amount:301, max_amount:894, avg_amount:608}, {pro_no:'2300', pro:'C Series', min_amount:456, max_amount:791, avg_amount:532 }, {pro_no:'2400', pro:'D Series', min_amount:859, max_amount:2433, avg_amount:1840}, {pro_no:'2500', pro:'E Series', min_amount:459, max_amount:1433 , avg_amount:1040}] }; var jsonStore = new{ data: sampleData }); 

Here, we first define a JSON data sampleData, where identifier is the unique identifier for the entire row, so there can be no repetition in the data; the array items is the data displayed in this table, and the data It must be in full compliance with the JSON syntax. Quotation marks must be used at both ends of the string, otherwise a syntax error will occur. The insurance method is to enclose all values ​​in quotation marks.

Next, we will set the Body element of the webpage The DataGrid instance is defined in Listing 4

Listing 4. Define DataGrid instance

< /tbody>


dojoType specifies that the web part is dojox.grid.DataGrid, and the data uses jso nStore, the structure is layout, and the width is automatically adjusted. At this point, the first Grid has been developed. The complete code is shown in Listing 5

List 5. Complete code

Run in the browser, the effect is as follows:

Figure 3. The results of the first Grid operation
Figure 3. The first Grid running result

Detailed development of DataGrid

DataGrid creation

In the development of DataGrid, there are three methods To create a DataGrid instance, the first is to create a structure with javascript and an instance with html code. Our first example is implemented in this way;

The second method is to create structures and examples from html code. In this method, we use table tags to define the structure of the Grid, and omit The part that defines the structure in javascript. The specific definition method is very similar to the standard html writing method, as shown in Listing 6

List 6. Create structure and examples from html code

   first Grid       
First Grid

< /tbody>

Product Number Product Minimum Amount Maximum Amount Average Amount

The third way is to use pure javascript to define the DataGrid instance. Listing 7 declares that after the web page is loaded, it will create a DataGrid instance on the page node whose id is gridNode.

Listing 7. Pure javascript definition DataGrid example

dojo.addOnLoad( function(){ // execute after the specified page is loaded var grid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({ query: {pro_no:'*' }, id:'grid2', store: jsonStore, structure: [{field: ' pro_no', name:'Product Number' }, {field:'pro', name:'Product' }, {field:'min_amount', name:'Minimum Amount' }, {field:'max_amount', name: ' Maximum Amount' }, {field:'avg_amount', name:'Average Amount'} ],rowsPerPage: 20 },'gridNode'); // Set the grid to be displayed under the node whose id is gridNode grid.startup(); / / Start g rid }); 

Grid1.2 can pass this This way is very convenient to combine with the dojo container to dynamically create page layouts.

Structure details

DataGrid can not only create simple two-dimensional tables, but also Create complex table applications for the structure design, and at the same time format or take values ​​for each column. We simply modify First Grid to get the code in Listing 8.

Listing 8. Modify First Grid

< td class="code-outline">

 function formatAmount(value){ return ' $ '+ value;} function getRange(rowIndex, item){ if(!item){return'--';} var grid = dijit.byId('grid'); var max =, "max_amount"); var min =, "min_amount"); return max-min;} var subrow1 = [{field:'pro_no', name:'Product Number', rowSpan: 2 }, {field:'pro', name:'Product', rowSpan: 2 }, {field:'min_amount', name:'Min. Amount',formatter: formatAmount,width: '80px' }, {field:'avg_amount ', name:'Average Amount',formatter: formatAmount, rowSpan: 2 }, {field:'range', name:'Range',get:getRange, rowSpan: 2} ]; var subrow2 = [{field:'max_amount ', name:'Max. Amount',formatter: formatAmount}, ]; var layout = [subrow1,subrow2]; 

Here, we have redefined the layout and divided the layout into two sub-lines. Among them, sub-line 1 contains five fields, including pro_no, pro, avg_amount, range A rowSpan attribute with a value of 2, which means that these three columns span two rows. The second line has only one field max_amount. At the same time, we specified the formatter function for the three amount fields, adding a dollar sign in front of their values. The get method is specified for the range field to automatically obtain the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value.

The display effect is as follows:

Figure 4. DataGrid layout example 1
Figure 4. DataGrid layout example 1

In addition to the rowSpan attribute, we can also use the colSpan attribute. The usage of these two attributes is consistent with the usage in html, and can be used in the html definition table structure. Let’s look at this header example Let’s understand the usage of colSpan.

Listing 9. Application of colSpan

< td class="code-outline">

 var structure = [[ {field: 'type', name:'Type', rowSpan: 2}, {field:'pro', name:'Product', rowSpan: 2}, {field:'Q20071', name:'Q1',formatter: formatAmount} , {field:'Q20072', name:'Q2',formatter: formatAmount }, {field:'Q20073', name:'Q3',formatter: formatAmount }, {field:'Q20074', name:'Q4', formatter: formatAmount} ],[ {field:'Y2007', name:'Year 2007',formatter: formatAmount, colSpan: 4} ]]; 

The display effect of Listing 9 is as follows:

Figure 5. DataGrid layout example 2
Figure 5. DataGrid layout example 2

Use of Store

DataGrid uses Store as the data source. In the above example, we write the data in javascript and use it as the data parameter The value is passed to the store’s constructor. But in most cases, the data is dynamically obtained from the server through Ajax requests, which can also be achieved through the Store. We only need to pass in the requested url address when declaring the Store object, such as: new{url:’jsondata.txt’ }). Store includes two classes, and When we use the editing function of the DataGrid, we need to use ItemFileWriteStore as the data source. The following demonstrates a multi-functional DataGrid. This Grid uses an external data source to edit cells and pop-up a column selection menu by right-clicking on the header of the table. In order for the page to be correct, Listing 10 loads the required CSS.

Listing 10. Load the required CSS< /strong>


The code in Listing 11 introduces the required dojo package, and Created an editable DataGrid and added it to the page node whose id is gridNode. In order to make the column editable, you only need to add an editable attribute with a value of true to the JSON definition of the column in the structure definition.

Listing 11. Import the required Dojo package

Listing 12 defines the menu gridMenu And the DIV that hosts the DataGrid.

Listing 12. Define the menu

< /tbody>

  < div class="heading">Data Grid  

This example uses an external data source dataGrid.t xt, the content of this file is similar to Listing 13

< strong>Listing 13. dataGrid.txt

 { 	 identifier: 'emp_no', 	 label: 'emp_no', 	 items: [      {emp_no:'2100', name:'Matt', gender:'M', dept_no:730, bonus:647}, 	 {emp_no:' 2200', name:'Lisa', gender:'F', dept_no:731, bonus:608}, 	 {emp_no:'2300', name:'Mick', gender:'M', dept_no:732, bonus:532 }, 	 {emp_no:'2400', name:'John', gender:'M', dept_no:733, bonus:1840}, 	 {emp_no:'2500', name:'Jan', gender:'M', dept_no :734, bonus:1040}, 	 {emp_no:'2101', name:'Jeff', gender:'M', dept_no:730, bonus:647}, 	 {emp_no:'2202', n ame:'Frank', gender:'M', dept_no:731, bonus:608}, 	 {emp_no:'2303', name:'Fred', gender:'M', dept_no:732, bonus:532}  ]} 


图 6. 可编辑的 DataGrid
图 6. 可编辑的 DataGrid

DojoX Charting

Charting 是基于 DojoX 绘图包的数据可视化组件,包括了 Chart2D 和 Chart3D 来分别绘制 2D 和 3D 的图表。 Chart2D 提供多种样式的饼图、柱状图、折线图、面积图、网格等图表。 Chart3D 目前仅提供了 3D 柱状图和 3D 圆柱图,并且从社区获取的信息表明由于 IE 上的性能问题导致 Chart3D 的开发暂时搁置。 Charting 的应用主要分为如下几个步骤:

  1. 首先引入所需要的 dojox 类,如:
    dojo.require(“dojox.charting.Chart2D”); //Chart2D 所需要的 2D 类 
    dojo.require(“dojox.charting.Chart3D”); //Chart3D 所需要的 3D 类 
    dojo.require(“”); // 样式主题
  2. 第二,声明 Chart 对象,包括了 Chart2D 或 Char3D,
    如:var chart1=new dojox.charting.Charting.Chart2D(‘chart1’);
    这里传入的参数为要在页面中载入 chart1 的元素的 ID,也就是 chart1 显示后的上层标签的 ID;
  3. 使用 Chart 对象的 setTheme 为 Chart 对象设置主题,来保证准确的绘制图表;
  4. 使用 Chart 对象的 addPlot 方法为 Chart 对象添加部件,可以添加多个部件;
  5. 使用 Chart 对象的 addSeries 方法为 Chart 对象添加数据;
  6. 最后,调用 render 方法将 chart 对象添加到页面节点中;


2D 饼图

清单 14 的代码为 2D 饼图,我们可以看到该实例加载了类 Chart2D 和 对象。 chart1 对象声明在 ID 为 char1 的元素下,并被添加了一个 Pie 部件作为默认部件,数据为 3、2、5、1、6、4。

清单 14.2D 饼图



图 7. 二维饼图示例
图 7. 二维饼图示例

带网格的 2D 面积图

这个例子中我们为 Chart2D 对象添加了两个部件,网格和面积图,如 清单 15。值得注意的是,我们为 chart 添加了两个部件,Plot1 和 Plot2,其中 Plot1 的类型为 Areas,Plot2 的类型为 Grid,我们给 Plot1 添加了三组数据,并没有给 Plot2 添加数据。

清单 15. 网格和面积图

 chart = new dojox.charting.Chart2D("chart2");  chart.setTheme(;  chart.addAxis("x", {origin:"max"});  chart.addAxis("y", {vertical: true, leftBottom: true, min: 5000, max: 8000,  majorTickStep: 500, minorTickStep: 100});  chart.addPlot("plot1", {type: "Areas", hAxis:"x", vAxis:"y"});  chart.addPlot("plot2", {type: "Grid", hAxis:"x", vAxis:"y"});  data1 = [{x:10,y:7200}, {x:20,y:6800}, {x:30,y:7000}, {x:40,y:6600}, {x:50,y:7000},  {x:60,y:6800}, {x:70,y:7200}, {x:80,y:66 00}, {x:90,y:6800}, {x:100,y:7000}];  data2 = [{x:10,y:6800}, {x:20,y:5800}, {x:30,y:6400}, {x:40,y:5600}, {x:50,y:6000},  {x:60,y:6200}, {x:70,y:6600}, {x:80,y:7200}, {x:90,y:6300}, {x:100,y:6000}];  data3 = [{x:10,y:6000}, {x:20,y:6300}, {x:30,y:6800}, {x:40,y:6200}, {x:50,y:6200},  {x:60,y:6600}, {x:70,y:6300}, {x:80,y:6200}, {x:90,y:6000}, {x:100,y:5900}];  chart.addSeries("series B", data2, {plot: "plot1"});  chart.addSeries("series C", data3, {plot: "plot1"});  chart.addSeries("series A", data1, {plot: "plot1"});  chart.render(); 


图 8.二维面积图示例
图 8 二维面积图示例


我们可以使用折线图或者面积图完成函数图像的绘制,原理就是按照一定的步长循环将定义域中将 x,y 值计算出来组成一组数据添加的 Chart2D 对象中,下面这个例子就是使用了折线图绘制了正弦余弦曲线。


清单 16.绘制正弦余弦曲线

 dojo.require("dojox.charting.Chart2D");  dojo.require("");  dojo.addOnLoad(function() {    var period = 2 * Math.PI;    var tick = Math.PI / 180.0;    var step = 5*Math.PI / 180.0;    var chart = new dojox.charting.Chart2D('chart_area');    chart.setTheme(;    chart.addAxis("x", {min: 0, max: period, majorTickStep: tick* 30,                    minorTickStep: tick*10, minorLabels: false, font: '40px bold'});    chart.addAxis("y", {vertical: true, min: -1.01, max: 1, majorTickStep: 0.5,                    minorTickStep: 0.1, minorLabels: false, font: '40px bold'});    chart.addPlot("default", {type: 'Lines'});    chart.addPlot("grid", {type: "Grid", vMinorLines: true});    var series = {'sin' : [], 'cos' : []};    for(var i = 0; i < period; i+=step) {       series.sin.push({'x' : i, 'y' : Math.sin(i)});       series.cos.push({'x' : i, 'y' : Math.cos(i)});    }  chart.addSeries('sin', series.sin);  chart.addSeries('cos', series.cos);  chart.render();  }); 


图 9. 正余弦曲线图示例
图 9. 正余弦曲线图示例

3D 柱状图的绘制

使用 Chart3D 与 Chart2D 略有不同,这主要是因为 3D 绘图比 2D 绘图要复杂一些,3D 绘图一个很重要的过程就是坐标变换,以及光照和渲染都是很重要的考虑要点。不过 Chart3D 已经对 gfx3D 进行了封装,我们只需要通过对简单的几个参数的设置就可以完成一个 3D 图表。我们可以从 清单 17 中看出 Chart3D 对象的声明比 Chart2D 多了一些参数,这主要是两类,光照与摄像机。光照指的是 3D 物体的周围的光环境,其中 lights 是光源数组,也就是说 3D 物体可以接受多个光源的光照;ambient 为环境光,影响物体的各个立体面;specular 是镜面反射光,这是光源照射物体特定位置发生镜面反射所产生的高光。当然了,你甚至可以不用理解这些参数的意义,在实际使用中多次调整参数以满足自己的使用需求。

清单 17. 3D 绘图

 dojo.require("dojox.charting.Chart3D");  dojo.require("dojox.charting.plot3d.Bars");  dojo.require("dojox.charting.plot3d.Cylinders");  makeObjects = function(){  var m = dojox.gfx3d.matrix;  var chart = new dojox.charting.Chart3D("test",  {lights:   [{direction: {x: 5, y: 5, z: -5}, color: "white"}], 	 ambient:  {color:"white", intensity: 2}, 	 specular: "white"},  [m.cameraRotateXg(10), m.cameraRotateYg(-10), m.scale(0.8),  m.cameraTranslate(-50, -50, 0)]  );  var plot1 = new dojox.charting.plot3d.Bars(50 0, 500, {gap: 10, material: "yellow"});  plot1.setData([2,1,2,1,1,1,2,3,5]);  chart.addPlot(plot1);  var plot2 = new dojox.charting.plot3d.Bars(500, 500, {gap: 10, material: "red"});  plot2.setData([1,2,3,2,1,2,3,4,5]);  chart.addPlot(plot2);  var plot3 = new dojox.charting.plot3d.Cylinders (500, 500, {gap: 10, material: "#66F"});  plot3.setData([2,3,4,3,2,3,4,5,5]);  chart.addPlot(plot3);  var plot4 = new dojox.charting.plot3d.Cylinders (500, 500, {gap: 10, material: "#E6F"});  plot4.setData([3,4,5,4,3,4,5,5,5]);  chart.addPlot(plot4);  chart.generate().render();  };  dojo.addOnLoad(makeObjects); 


图 10. 三维柱状图示例
图 10. 三维柱状图示例

这个 3D 柱状图结合了长方体和圆柱体,dojox.charting.plot3d.Bars 是长方体的声明类,new dojox.charting.plot3d. Cylinders 是圆柱体的声明类。

DojoX Gfx 和 Gfx3D

DojoX Gfx 和 Gfx3D 是 DojoX 中进行绘图的两个包,分别提供了 2D 和 3D 的绘图 API。前面介绍的 DojoX Charting 就是在这两个包的基础上开发的。 Gfx 以及 Gfx 3D 是一组矢量绘图 API。对于原生的矢量图形,Gfx 能够支持 SVG、Canvas 和 VML,新版本中又增加了对 Silverlight 的支持。首先,我们来看看 DojoX Gfx 可以做什么。在 dojo 官方网站公布的开发包中有这么几个 Gfx 例子,见下图。可以看出,Gfx 对于简单的 2D 绘图已经绰绰有余了。

图 11.Gfx 绘图
图 11.Gfx 绘图

下面我们就来使用 Gfx 开始绘图。 Gfx 绘图的基本步骤可以简单的归为两步:打开一个画布(surface),然后“画”。在绘画之前,我们要例行公事,引入 dojox.gfx 包。然后通过 dojox.gfx 对象的 createSurface 方法建立画布。 Surface 提供了很多画笔来进行作画,这里我们介绍几个比较常用的。

  • 线性画笔:使用方法为 surface.createLine(opt),参数包含 x1、y1、x2、y2 四个属性,分别表示起点横纵坐标和终点横纵坐标;
  • 矩形画笔:使用方法为 surface.createRect(opt),参数 opt 是一个 JSON 对象,包括了属性 x、y、width、height,分别表示矩形左上角的横纵坐标以及举行的宽和高;
  • 圆形画笔:使用方法为 surface.createCircle(opt),参数 opt 具有三个属性,分别是圆心横坐标 cx、圆心纵坐标 cy、圆半径 r;
  • 路径画笔:这个是最强大的画笔,可以绘制任意曲线和图形,当然也是使用最复杂的画笔,使用方法为 surface.createPath(path),path 是描绘一组路径的字符串,描绘规则可以参考 SVG 中关于矢量路径的介绍。


清单 18. Gfx 绘图代码

 dojo.require("dojox.gfx");  surface = dojox.gfx.createSurface(dojo.byId("gfx_holder"), 700, 700);  surface.createRect({x: 260, y: 260, width: 50, height: 50}).setFill("#AAF");  surface.createLine({x1: 100, y1: 400, x2: 400, y2: 350}) 	 .setStroke({color:"#9F3",width:5});  surface.createCircle({cx: 200, cy: 200, r: 50}) 	 .setFill("#FEF").setStroke({color: "#F9A", width: 3});  var path="M153 334 " + 		"C153 334 151 334 151 334 C151 339 153 344 156 344 " + 		"C164 344 171 339 171 334 C171 322 164 314 156 3 14 " + 		"C142 314 131 322 131 334 C131 350 142 364 156 364 " + 		"C175 364 191 350 191 334 C191 311 175 294 156 294 " + 		"C131 294 111 311 111 334 C111 361 131 384 156 384 " + 		"C186 384 211 361 211 334 C211 300 186 274 156 274" surface.createPath(path).setFill("rgb(FF,FF,FF)").setStroke({color:"red",width:3}); 

清单 18中的代码将在 ID 为 gfx_holder 的 html 标记内添加这个绘图。这段代码中的 setFill 方法和 setStroke 方法分别用来设置填充效果和笔触效果。代码运行结果如下图所示。

图 12. Gfx 简单绘图示例
图 12. Gfx 简单绘图示例

Gfx3D 的工作原理是采用计算机图形学的原理将三维空间中的物体按照透视规则从三维坐标系转换成二维的坐标系然后通过 SVG 等矢量图显示出来。限于浏览器和 javascript 的性能,目前 Gfx3D 仅能绘制较为简单的 3D 物体和空间曲线,还不能绘制复杂的空间曲面以及进行纹理等渲染工作,但是 Gfx3D 足以满足大部分 Web 应用的需要了。 Gfx3D 的使用大致分三个步骤:建立画布,在画布上建立视图,在视图上建立 3D 物体。视图上必不可少的要设置光源以及摄像机方位。设置光源可以通过 setLights 方法来设定,摄像机方位则需要使用 dojox.gf3d.maxtrix 对象的 cameraRotateX、cameraRotateY、cameraRotateZ、cameraTranslate 等方法来确定。清单 19在画布上绘制了一个立方体和一个圆柱体。

清单 19. Gfx 3D 绘图

 dojo.require("dojox.gfx3d");  makeObjects = function(){  var surface = dojox.gfx.createSurface("test", 500, 500);  var view = surface.createViewport();  // 建立视图 view.setLights([{direction: {x: 0, y: 0, z: -10}, color: "white"}, 			 {direction: {x: 10, y: 0, z: -10}, color: "#444"}],  {color: "white", intensity: 2}, "white");  var m = dojox.gfx3d.matrix;  // 建立空间 var l = view.createCube({bottom: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}, top: {x: 100, y: 100, z: 100}}) 		 .setFill({type: "plastic", finish: "dull", color: "lime "});  // 绘制立方体 view.createCylinder({})   // 绘制圆柱体    .setTransform([m.translate(200, 100,200), m.rotateZg(60), m.rotateXg(-60)]) 	.setStroke("black") 	.setFill({type: "plastic", finish: "glossy", color: "red"});  var camera = [m.cameraRotateXg(20), m.cameraRotateYg(20),  m.cameraTranslate(-200, -200, 0)]; // 设置摄像机方位 view.applyCameraTransform(camera);  view.render();  };  dojo.addOnLoad(makeObjects); 


图 13. Gfx-3D 简单绘图示例
图 13. Gfx-3D 简单绘图示例

其他 DojoX Widget

DojoX 的 widget 包中还提供了更多的小部件,非常的方便易用,本文的最后再来两个餐后甜点,拾色器和鱼眼。拾色器是我们经常会用到的小部件,用 DojoX 生成拾色器非常简单,仅需要 清单 20这一小段代码即可。

清单 20. 拾色器


除了这段 javascript 代码,为了能正确的显示拾色器的样式,我们还需要导入它的 css 文件:dojox/widget/ColorPicker/ColorPicker.css。代码中,属性 animatePoint 来确定指针是否有滑动动画,默认为 true;属性 showHsv 表示是否显示 HSV 颜色模式数值;属性 showRgb 表示是否显示 RGB 颜色模式的数值;webSafe 表示是否显示 Web 安全色。清单 20显示效果如下:

图 14 .DojoX 拾色器
图 14 .DojoX 拾色器

鱼眼的实现也很简单,我们需要制作一组图标,命名为 fe1.gif、fe2.gif、fe3.gif 一直到 fe7.gif。我们将它们和页面放在同一文件夹下。然后在网页中书写如 清单 21所示代码。

清单 21. 鱼眼



图 15.DojoX 鱼眼
图 15 DojoX 鱼眼


JavaScript 并不是万能的,同样,使用 JavaScript 开发的 Dojo 也不是万能的,但是为了满足众多开发者的需要,DojoX 提供了非常丰富的选择,并且提供了对 Flash、SilverLight、Google Gear 等组件的支持,使得 Dojo 爱好者们可以开发出更好更强大的 Web 应用。随着 DojoX 项目的不断完善和成熟,Dojo 将给开发者们带来更多的惊喜。



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  • 学习 本系列其他部分的内容,了解更多 Dojo 的实用技术。
  •, 了解更多 Ajax 技术。
  •, Ajax 资源中心:developerWorks 上所有有关 Ajax 的问题都可以在这里找到解答。
  • “基于 Dojo 的本地化开发”(developerWorks,2008 年 1 月):本文介绍了基于 Dojo 的本地化的实现,通过实例讲解了如何利用 Dojo 提供的本地化支持模块来实现软件的本地化。
  • “提高基于 Dojo 的 Web 2.0 应用程序的性能”(developerWorks,2008 年 2 月):本文通过演示一些实用的技巧来提高 Dojo 的性能,帮助开发人员找出 Web 2.0 应用程序的性能瓶颈。
  • “使用 Dojo 开发支持 Accessibility 的 Web 应用”(developerWorks,2008 年 5 月):帮助开发人员了解 Accessibility 的基本内容,掌握 Dojo 开发可访问性 Web 应用的基本技能。
  • “使用 Dojo 国际化 Web 应用程序”(developerWorks,2008 年 8 月):通过本文获得有关如何使用 Dojo 这个重要特性的简短的指导。
  • wikipedia上关于 XMLHttpRequest 对象的详细介绍。
  • JSON 的官方网站,在这里可以找到最实用的关于 JSON 的第一手资料。
  • Wikipedia 上关于 REST 架构风格的介绍。 
  • developerWorks 技术活动和 网络广播:随时关注 developerWorks 技术活动和网络广播。
  • developerWorks Web development 专区:通过专门关于 Web 技术的文章和教程,扩展您在网站开发方面的技能。


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