Learn dojo from scratch

Introduction to Dojo Toolkit

Dojo was created in 2004 to make it easier to develop DHTML and JavaScript web application development processes, and hides many cross-browser contradictions that are common in modern web browsers. This puts the focus on implementing functionality, rather than adjusting the code to run on every browser. Dojo belongs to the Dojo Foundation, which was founded in 2005 by Russell and Dylan Schiemann. Dojo is an open source software (OSS) with dual licensing, Academic Free License (AFL) and a modified BSD license, you can choose to comply with one.

Features at a glance

The features of Dojo Toolkit can be divided into 4 different parts. This division allows developers to keep the library size to a minimum, ensuring that application performance is not affected by a large number of JavaScript library downloads. For example, if you only need Ajax to support performance, you only need to include the base package; you don’t need to include the extended Dijit UI components. Later in this series, you will learn more about how Dojo loads different modules.


The Base package provides the basis of Dojo Toolkit, including some functions , Such as DOM usage functions, CSS3 selector-based DOM query, event handling, basic animation, and Dojo’s class-based object-oriented features. This article mainly introduces Base.
The Core package contains some additional features that are not included in Base. Generally, these features are not used as frequently as the features in Base; therefore, they are loaded separately to reduce the burden on the Base package. From this point of view, the Core package provides some practical and useful components, including advanced animation drag and drop, I/O, data management, internationalization (i18n), and browser history management. The Core package is not within the scope of this article.
The Dijit package contains an extended UI library of Dojo widgets and components. Some examples of these widgets include dialogs, calendars, palettes, tooltips, and trees. It also includes some form controls, which provide more functions than standard HTML form controls, and some complete layout management options. Part 3 of this series will introduce Dijit features in depth.
Dojo eXtensions (DojoX) contains the various sub-items of the toolbox. Most of the features in DojoX are experimental, but there are also some stable components and features. DojoX will be briefly introduced in Part 3 of this series.

Ready to start

Dojo has enough discussions. Now let’s take a look at the actual use of the toolkit. This section will introduce various ways to use Dojo in your project, how to set up a development environment with Firefox and Firebug plug-ins, and how to write Dojo code to ensure that everything works as expected.

Build Dojo

The easiest way to build Dojo is to provide it from a Content Delivery Network (CDN), which will deliver Dojo JavaScript files from nearby client machines instead of from your own server. Not only does this help speed up script loading, it also means that users have an increased chance of loading Dojo files from other websites, which allows them to be loaded from the cache, further increasing the loading speed.

In this series, it is assumed that you are using Dojo 1.5, although any 1.x versions are all compatible. Include the following in your HTML page

Alternatively, you can download Dojo to your own server and load it from there. My preferred method is to load from a CDN and have a local copy as a backup in case of problems with the CDN server. To do this, download Dojo and place the files in a suitable location relative to the directory where your web is stored. Assuming that the relative path from your web directory to the Dojo script file is "script/", the code in Listing 1 will first load Dojo from the CDN, and if it fails, load the local version.

Listing 1. Load Dojo from CDN with local fallback

One point is very important, it will be set to typeof(dojo) Put the code at the beginning of one line; otherwise, it will not run. If you want to test whether the copy works, just comment out the line loaded from the CDN and use the "Hello, World!" example (which can be created in a few minutes) to test your page.

Use the Firebug console

In contrast to the need to create a web page to experiment with Dojo, many of the examples in this article are executed using an excellent Firefox plug-in Firebug. Firebug provides JavaScript developers with complete console recording, debugging, and network monitoring facilities, which makes it easier to test and fix problems in JavaScript applications. Some other web browsers actually include these features, but in this example I used Firefox and Firebug because they are available on various platforms.

First, you must install Firefox and Firebug (for more download information, see Reference material). After installing Firefox, launch it, then download and install the Firebug plug-in. After Firebug is installed, you can see a bug-like icon in the lower right corner of your Firefox window, as shown in Figure 1. Click this icon to open the Firebug window.

Figure 1. Firebug icon and window

There is a bug icon in the lower right corner of the Firebug window.

To use this Firebug console, click the Console tab. You may first need to start the console, click the down arrow on the tab and then click Enable. Now, in the console window, enter the code: console.log("Test");< /code>.

You can see the result shown in Figure 2 with a message displayed The JavaScript debugger is activated to support the console.

Figure 2. Using the Firebug console

The window with the message'Start the javascript debugger to support the console'.

Hello, World!

Next, let’s test Dojo. For the "Hello, World!" example, when the DOM has finished loading (see Listing 2), you will use Dojo to attach a function. This function just prints the message "Hello, World!" to the end of the page. Okay, so this does not change the way you create web applications, all it does is make you confirm that Dojo is available on your page. You will load this page throughout the article and use the Firebug console to explore Dojo features.

Listing 2. listing1.html: Dojo Hello World application
 Exploring Dojo

Exploring Dojo

This is a DIV element with id attribute message.
  • This is the first item in a list
  • This is the second item in a list
  • This is the third item in a list

This function will append a anonymous function, which is triggered after the DOM is loaded. This function uses dojo.create to build a new DOM

element, set its innerHTML Set the attribute to "Hello, World!", and then use the utility functiondojo.body Insert it into the body of the page. The results are shown in Figure 3. You will notice that the "Hello, World!" message has been attached to the end of the page.

Figure 3. The "Hello World" page is glamorous

Hello World page with text, with the message'Hello World!' at the end of the text.

Do not delete this page or close it yet. In the next section, you will use this page with only one purpose-to load Dojo, and you will use the Firebug console to directly experiment with other aspects of Dojo.

Before continuing to the next section, there is one more important thing to point out, that It's about the positioning of JavaScript on the page. You may have noticed that I did not include Dojo and this JavaScript page in the HTML document part, but add it at the end of the page, Before the element. This is because putting JavaScript here will not affect the loading of other elements on the page. When using JavaScript libraries on your page, it is important to ensure that they will not affect the loading of other elements on the page so that the performance of your page will be optimal. For more information, see References.

Basic knowledge

In this section, you will learn some useful Dojo functions to make it easier to use DOM and arrays. To experiment with the examples in this section, continue to use the page you created in Firefox in the previous section and enter the code in the Firebug console window.

DOM utility functions

The DOM utility functions provide the ability to find items based on ID or use CSS3 selectors to make it easier to use elements in the DOM. There are some other functions, you can create and destroy elements, and manipulate the content of existing elements.


dojo.byId function allows you to pass id attribute to select a DOM node. This function is standard JavaScript document.getElementById An alias for the function, but obviously short and easy Writing, but also solves a lot of cross-browser contradictions. Now, let’s use the Firebug console to get the DOM element content through the ID “message”: dojo. byId("message").innerHTML;.

On the left side of the console you will see the response shown in Listing 3.

Listing 3. Response
>>> dojo.byId("message").innerHTML;"This is a DIV element with id attribute message1. "

The first line of Listing 3 repeats the command issued. The second line is the result of the command, in this case it is the ID "message" < h1> The content of the element.

Before continuing, let’s make a more interesting attempt. In the console editor, enter the command in Listing 4.

Listing 4. dojo.fadeOut Command
dojo. fadeOut({ nod e: dojo.byId("message"), duration: 600}).play();

You can see that the element gradually fades out and disappears from the page. To make it gradually appear back again, set fadeOut amended to fadeIn, run it again. Isn't it pretty good? This demonstrates how to use the Firebug console to dynamically manipulate the current page. Of course, these improvements only apply to the current page load and are not persistent. If you leave the page or refresh the page, these changes will no longer be effective.


In the last section, you will learn how to use its id The attribute obtains a reference to a single DOM element. Although this is useful, it is not feasible to add this attribute to every element you want to interact with.当然,id 必须是惟一的。那么如果您想一次引用几个元素呢?这就需要引入 dojo.query 函数了。

如果您想一次引用 ID 为 “list” 的无序列表的所有 

  •  子元素,然后将每个元素的内容打印到控制台上。有了 dojo.query,这将非常简单(见清单 5)。

    清单 5. dojo.query 命令
    dojo.query("#list li").f orEach(function(item) {    console.log(item.innerHTML);});

    该命令在控制台上的输出,如清单 6 所示。

    清单 6. 控制台上的输出
    >>> dojo.query("#list li").forEach(function(item) { console.log                                                       (item.innerHTML); });This is the first item in a listThis is the second item in a listThis is the third item in a list[li, li.highli ght, li]

    dojo.query 函数接受一个字符串参数,使用一个 CSS3 选择器引用您想选择的元素。在这个具体实例中,假设您想选择所有 li 元素,这是 ID 为 “list” 的元素的子元素。该函数返回一个组匹配查询的元素。在清单 6 的示例中,您使用 dojo.forEach 函数对这个数组进行遍历,然后将发现的每个元素的 innerHTML 属性输出到控制台。在下一小节您将学习关于该函数和其他数组函数的更多内容。

    继续之前,我们先来使用 dojo.query 寻找任何类名为 highlight 的 HTML 元素,并应用一些样式使它们突出显示(见清单 7)。

    清单 7. 使用 dojo.query 寻找任何类名为 highlight 的 HTML 元素
    dojo.query(".highlight").style({    backgroundColor: "yellow",    color: "red"});

    您应该注意到了,页面上无序列表的第二项改为黄色背景,文本颜色改为红色。您可能还注意到了,在本例中 dojo.forEach 未被使用。我将在下一小节 “数组和 NodeLists” 中向您说明为什么这不需要。


    除了 DOM 查询和元素选择之外,在 Dojo 中还有很多其他实用函数使得使用 DOM 更为容易。在 “Hello, World” 示例中您已经见过其中两个。 dojo.body 函数只返回文档的  元素,dojo.body 的一个引用,以及文档对象本身。 dojo.create 让您可以快速创建一个新元素、定义它的属性、然后将它放在 DOM 中。

    现有的其他函数包括 dojo.place,它允许您将现有的或新创建的元素放在文档的任何地方。 dojo.empty 只执行您所期望的 — 清空一个 DOM 元素的内容。 dojo.destroy 删除一个节点以及其所有子元素。关于这些函数的其他信息,参见 参考资料 获取 Dojo 参考文档的链接。

    数组和 NodeLists

    数组允许您存储一个值集合,在标准 JavaScript 中提供。在 Dojo 中,数组被扩展来包括几个帮助函数。这些扩展的数组被称为 NodeLists。一个 NodeList 可以使用任何标准数组函数,以及其他 Dojo 特定函数,当您使用上一小节中描述的 dojo.query 函数时,返回值是一个 NodeList(准确地说是 dojo.NodeList)对象。我们来看看 NodeLists 中可用的函数。


    第一个值得一提的函数是 dojo.forEach,这个函数您已经在上一小节的 dojo.query 示例中见过了。这个函数允许您在 NodeList 上定义一个迭代器,提供一个可以应用到 NodeList 中的每一项上的功能。我们在清单 8 中来看一个更为基本的示例。

    清单 8. 基本示例
    var list = ['My','name','is','Joe'];dojo.forEach(list, function(item, i) {    console.log((i+1)+'. '+item);});

    清单 8 中的代码输出的结果如清单 9 所示。

    清单 9. 输出
    >>> var list = ['My','name','is','Joe']; dojo.forEac...item, i)                              { console.log((i+1)+'. '+item); });1. My2. name3. is4. Joe

    正如您所看到的,forEach 函数遍历数组中的每一项,然后在其上执行附加功能。上面,您已经使用了一个 anonymous 函数,但是您还可以使用一个命名函数,如清单 10 所示。

    清单 10. 使用一个命名函数通过 dojo.forEach 遍历一个数组
    var l ist = ['My','name','is','Joe'];var printArray = function(item, i) {    console.log((i+1)+'. '+item);}dojo.forEach(list, printArray);


    dojo.indexOf 函数使得您可以在一个数组中找出具体一个值的位置。最好是结合示例说明。使用上一小节创建的列表数组,尝试找出值为name 的数组的地址:dojo.indexOf(list, "name");.

    返回结果如清单 11 所示。

    清单 11. 结果
    >>> dojo.indexOf(list, "name");1

    在数组中值为 name 的项下标为 1。记住 JavaScript 数组的下标是从 0 开始的,因此该值是数组的第 2 项。如果您想要尝试使用该函数寻找一个数组中并不存在的值,返回值为 -1

    该函数返回给定值的第一个位置的下标,因此,如果数组中有多个项有相同的值,它只停在第一项上,Dojo 提供一个类似的函数,dojo.lastIndexOf,允许您寻找特定值的最后一个位置。该函数与 dojo.indexOf 运行方式完全一样。


    dojo.filter 函数支持您创建一个新数组,这个新数组是另一个数组的过滤版。例如,如果您想为您早期创建的列表数组创建一个新版本,但是又不想包括值为 is 的那些项。您可以使用清单 12 所示的代码。

    清单 12. 过滤一个数组来创建一个新数组
    var filteredList = dojo.filter(list, function(item) {    return item != "is";});dojo.forEach(filteredList, "console.log(item)");This results in the following output:>>> var filteredList = dojo.filter(list, function(it...dojo.forEach(filtered List, "console.log(item)");MynameJoe

    其他 NodeList 函数

    Dojo 还有一些其他 NodeList 函数,在处理数组时非常有用。 dojo.map 函数允许您创建一个新数组 — 现有数组的修改版。例如,如果您想创建一个代表货币值的数字数组。您可以使用一个映射函数以货币格式返回这些值的一个数组。 dojo.some 允许您检查在数组中匹配指定标准的项是否至少有一个。类似地,dojo.every 用于检查是否每一项匹配指定标准。 NodeList 函数的完整列表及其相关文档,见 参考资料。

    Dojo 中的事件处理

    多数 JavaScript 库都有一个本地 JavaScript 事件处理的跨浏览器实现,允许您附加函数,在事件触发时调用。这可能很有用,Dojo 通过允许您将函数链接到其他函数进一步延伸了这一概念,这可能是 DOM 事件、对象时间、用户定义函数、或者是 “topics”,我们将在下一节进行讨论。

    DOM 事件处理

    将函数附加到 DOM 对象的第一个方法是使用 dojo.connect 函数。结合示例来说明最好不过。在 Firebug 控制台输入清单 13 中的代码。

    清单 13. 使用 dojo.connect 附加函数到 DOM 事件
    var mes sage = dojo.byId("message");dojo.connect(message, "onclick", function() {    alert(message.innerHTML);});

    控制台中的输出如清单 14 所示。

    清单 14. 输出
    >>> var message = dojo.byId("message"); dojo.connect..., function()                                               { alert(message.innerHTML); });[div#message, "onclick", function(), 1]

    这真的很棒,但是您不是就希望该功能可以真正地完成一些任务吗?它确实可以。 Dojo 已将一个函数附加到 ID 为 “message” 的元素的 click事件处理程序上了。想试试看吗?单击屏幕上的消息 “This is a DIV element with id attribute message.”。您将看见一个 JavaScript 提示框,如图 4 所示。

    图 4. 附加函数到 DOM 事件

    消息对话框 'This is a DIV element with id attribute message.'

    漂亮且容易,不是吗?如果您想附加一个事件到数组的所有条目上该怎么办?例如,假设您想要页面上无序列表中的每一项在您单击时都以粗体突出显示。使用清单 15 中的代码就可以很轻松地完成。

    清单 15. 附加事件到数组元素上
    dojo.query("#list li").forEach(function(item) {    dojo.connect(item, "onclick", function() {        dojo.style(item, {            fontWeight: "bold"        });    });});

    试试看,是有效的。 Dojo 支持您以一种更简洁的方式编写这段代码。不需要使用 forEach 对整个数组进行迭代,使用 NodeList.connect快捷函数即可完成,如清单 16 所示。

    清单 16. 附加事件到数组元素上(改进的)
    dojo.query("#list li").onclick(function(e) {    dojo.style(e.target, {        fontWeight: "bold"    });});

    由于您已经附加了一个事件到这个列表上,在尝试清单 16 中的代码之前刷新页面,确保正常运行。 e 参数是 Event 对象的一个引用,对象的target 属性帮助您确定触发事件的元素。您可以使用这个来指出粗体样式应该被应用的元素。试一下单击这 3 个列表项,单击之后每一个都会变成粗体。


    在前面的示例中,您可以连接函数到 DOM 事件上。 Dojo 也支持您以同样的方式将函数连接到其他函数。这方面的一个示例可能是这样一个函数,在您的页面的某个地方显示一个旋转轮子。当用户执行一个 Ajax 函数时,您想要显示这个图像。类似地,当函数返回一个响应时,您想要隐藏该图像。如果不使用 dojo.connect,您的代码看起来像清单 17 这样。

    清单 17. 不使用 dojo.connect 将函数连接到其他函数
    function toggleImage() {    //Code to show/hide loading image goes here}function callAjax() {    toggleImage();    //Code to call Ajax function goes here}function handleResponse() {    //Code to handle Ajax response goes here    toggleImage();}

    这段代码没什么问题,toggleImage 函数定义包含在 callAjax 和 handleResponse 函数中。如果您想添加另一个函数调用,您需要再次修改这些函数来包含额外调用。现在不需要向这些函数本身添加函数调用,只需要使用 dojo.connect 来在它们之间建立一个链接。清单 18 显示 dojo.connect 方法。

    清单 18. 使用 dojo.connect 连接函数到其他函数
    function t oggleImage() {    //Code to show/hide loading image goes here}function callAjax() {    //Code to call Ajax function goes here}function handleResponse() {    //Code to handle Ajax response goes here}dojo.connect(callAjax, toggleImage);dojo.connect(handleResponse, toggleImage);



    Dojo 事件处理最后值得注意的一点是发布和订阅主题的能力。这使得 Dojo 组件可以彼此交互,即使它们没有意识到彼此的存在。例如,假设您定义了一个名为 printName 的主题,它绑定了一个 message 对象包含一个人的姓和名。您可以有一个订阅这个主题的组件,在任何时候当另一个组件使用一个人的名字发布到该主题时,这将会将这个名字打印到控制台。清单 19 显示了这类订阅的一个示例(在 Firebug 中随意尝试)。

    清单 19. 订阅
    dojo.subscribe("printName", function(msg) {    console.log("The person's name is: "+msg.first_name+" "+msg.last_name);});

    要发布到该主题,您需要传递一个附带主题 API 的对象数组,(在本例中,对象必须有一个名称和一个姓氏)。清单 20 是一个示例。

    清单 20. 发布到一个主题
    dojo.publish("printName", [    {        first_name: "Joe",        last_name: "Lennon"    }]);

    生成的输出如清单 21 所示。

    清单 21. 输出
    >>> dojo.publish("printName", [ { first_name: "Joe", last_name: "Lennon" } ]);The person's name is: Joe Lennon

    正如您所看到的,通过发布这个对象到 printName 主题,您的订阅函数将相应的一个消息输出到控制台。

    使用 dojo.xhr* 增强 Ajax

    创建 Ajax 驱动的 web 应用程序通常是通过创建 XmlHttpRequest (XHR) 对象完成的,这将向指定的 URL 发出一个 HTTP 请求,传递一个请求头部和正文并定义回调函数,来定义当返回一个成功响应正文或一个 HTTP 失败响应时该完成什么操作。实现跨浏览器 XHRs,至少可以说是很麻烦,但是,谢天谢地,Dojo 使用一组 dojo.xhr* 函数极大地减轻了这个令人头疼的麻烦,允许发出 GETPOSTPUT 和 DELETE 请求。

    提供如下 4 个函数:

    • xhrGet
    • xhrPost
    • xhrPut
    • xhrDelete

    所有这些函数都遵守相同的语法:接受一个属性配置对象作为参数。在这些对象中您可以定义您想要发出的 Ajax 请求的各个方面。再一次说明,这些选项在所有 XHR 函数中都是一样的。


    XHR 函数一些比较有用的配置选项如下:

    这是 HTTP 请求的 URL。它必须和发出这一请求的页面有同样的域和端口组合。
    允许您定义响应的处理格式,默认是  text,但是, jsonjavascriptxml、还有一些其他选项也可用。在本节后面您将看到一个创建 Ajax 请求的示例,使用一个处理 JSON 响应格式的回调函数。

     元素的一个引用或者字符串 ID 表示。 form 中每个字段的值将被同请求一起作为请求体发送。
    一个对象,包含您想要传递给请求体中资源的参数。如果两者都提供,这个对象将与从  form 属性中获取的值混合在一起。

    XHR 函数的一个示例如清单 22 所示。

    清单 22. XHR 函数调用的示例
    dojo.xhrGet({    url: "save_data.php",    content: {        id: "100",        first_name: "Joe",        last_name: "Lennon"    }});

    这将在同一个位置(与文档本身)异步向 save_data.php 文件发出一个 HTTP GET 请求。它也传递内容对象属性到 PHP 脚本作为参数。在 PHP 中,您可以使用 $_GET 变量检索这些值,然后可能将它们保存到一个数据库。


    在之前的示例中,您学习了如何使用 dojo.xhrGet 调用一个 Ajax 请求。这个示例对于实际发出请求已经足够了,它不提供设施来处理任何响应。回调函数也被传递到配置对象,下列选项是可用的:

    当 Ajax 请求返回一个成功响应消息时,执行此函数。响应数据和请求对象作为参数被传递到这个函数。
    如果 Ajax 请求出现问题,该函数将被调用。如果在 Ajax 请求中定义的 URL 无效、请求超时或者发生其他 HTTP 错误,这将会出现。错误消息和请求对象被作为参数传递。

    在下面的示例中,您将使用一个加载回调函数创建一个 Ajax 调用,将从一个 JSON 文件中加载一些值然后打印到页面上。

    使用 JSON 数据运行

    我们通过创建一个更为真实的示例将 dojo.xhr* 函数用来进行一个更好的测试。首先,创建一个新文件 — 将该文件放在与 listing1.html 文件相同的目录下 — 并向其中添加一些 JSON 数据。文件内容如清单 23 所示。

    清单 23. data.json — JSON 数据通过一个 Ajax 请求来处理
    {    count: 4,    people: [        {            first_name: "Joe",            last_name: "Lennon",            age: 25		        },{            first_name: "Darragh",            last_name: "Duffy",            age: 33        },{            first_name: "Jonathan",            last_name: "Reardon",            age: 30        },{            first_name: "Finian",            last_name: "O'Connor",            age: 23        }    ]}

    现在,在 Firebug 中创建一个 Ajax 请求(确保 listing1.html 页面被加载到 Firefox 中,这样 Dojo 才可以被加载)。该请求使用 load 回调函数处理 JSON 响应,并打印一个表格到页面(见清单 24)。

    清单 24. 使用 Ajax 加载并处理 JSON 数据
    dojo.xhrGet({    url: "data.json",    handleAs: "json",    load: function(data) {        var table = "";        table += "";        dojo.forEach(data.people, function(person) {            table += "";        });        table += "
    "; table += person.first_name+" "+person.last_name; table += ""; table += person.age; table += "
    "; dojo.place(table, dojo.body()); }});

    在 Firebug 中试一下清单 24 中的代码。一个表格将动态地添加到您的页面上,其中含有从 JSON 文件中加载的数据,如图 5 所示。

    图 5. 源自 JSON 文件的加载 Ajax 的表格

    页面上的表格有 4 个姓名以及他们对应的年龄

    在真实的示例中,您可以使用一个服务器端语言(比如 PHP、Python、ASP.NET 或者 Java)、根据通过 Ajax 请求传递给它的参数动态生成 JSON 数据。


    在这篇从头开始学习 Dojo 的系列文章中,您学习了关于 Dojo 和使用它的基本知识。特别是,您学习了各种 DOM 实用函数、数组函数、事件处理和 HXR 特性,在本系列的下一期中,您将学习如何使用 Dojo 类似 Java™ 的基于类的面向对象特性。


        Exploring Dojo

    Exploring Dojo

    This is a DIV element with id attribute message.
    • This is the first item in a list
    • This is the second item in a list
    • This is the third item in a list

    >>> dojo.byId("message").innerHTML;"This is a DIV elem ent with id attribute message1."

    dojo.fadeOut({    node: dojo.byId("message"),    duration: 600}).play();

    dojo.query("#list li").forEach(function(item) {    console.log(item.innerHTML);});

    >>> dojo.query("#list li").forEach(function(item) { console.log                                                       (item.innerHTML); });This is the first item in a listThis is the second item in a listThis is the third item in a list[li, li.highlight, li]

    dojo.query(".highlight").style({    backgroundColor: "yellow",    color: "red"});

    var list = ['My','name','is','Joe'];dojo.forEach(list, function(item, i) {    console.log((i+1)+'. '+item);});

    >>> var list = ['My','name','is','Joe']; dojo.forEac...item, i)                              { console.log((i+1)+'. '+item); }) ;1. My2. name3. is4. Joe

    var list = ['My','name','is','Joe'];var printArray = function(item, i) {    console.log((i+1)+'. '+item);}dojo.forEach(list, printArray);

    >>> dojo.indexOf(list, "name");1

    var filteredList = dojo.filter(list, function(item) {    return item != "is";});dojo.forEach(filteredList, "console.log(item)");This results in the following output:>>> var filteredList = dojo.filter(list, function(it...dojo.forEach(filteredList, "console.log(item)");MynameJoe

    var message = dojo.byId("messag e");dojo.connect(message, "onclick", function() {    alert(message.innerHTML);});

    >>> var message = dojo.byId("message"); dojo.connect..., function()                                               { alert(message.innerHTML); });[div#message, "onclick", function(), 1]

    dojo.query("#list li").forEach(function(item) {    dojo.connect(item, "onclick", function() {        dojo.style(item, {            fontWeight: "bold"        });    });});

    dojo.query("#list li").onclick(function(e) {    dojo.style(e.target, {        fontWeight: "bold"    });});

    function toggleImage() {    //Code to show/hide loading image goes here}function callAjax() {    toggleImage();    //Code to call Ajax function goes here}function handleResponse() {    //Code to handle Ajax response goes here    toggleImage();}

    function toggleImage() {    //Code to show/hide loading image goes here}function callAjax() {    //Code to call Ajax function goes here}function handleResponse() {    //Code to handle Ajax response goes here}dojo.connect(callAjax, toggleImage);dojo.connect(handleResponse, toggleImage);

    dojo.subscribe("printName", function(msg) {    console.log("The person's name is: "+msg.first_name+" "+msg.last_name);});

    dojo.publish("printName", [    {        first_name: "Joe",        last_name: "Lennon"    }]);

    >>> dojo.publish("printName", [ { first_name: "Joe", last_name: "Lennon" } ]);The person's name is: Joe Lennon

    dojo.xhrGet({    url: "save_data.php",    content: {        id: "100",        first_name: "Joe",        last_name: "Lennon"    }});

    {    count: 4,    people: [        {            first_name: "Joe",            last_name: "Lennon",            age: 25		        },{            first_name: "Darragh",            last_name: "Duffy",            age: 33        },{            first_name: "Jonathan",            last_name: "Reardon",            age: 30        },{            first_name: "Finian",            last_name: "O'Connor",            age: 23        }    ]}

    dojo.xhrGet({    url: "data.json",    handleAs: "json",    load: function(data) {        var table = "";        table += "";        dojo.forEach(data.people, function(person) {            table += "";        });        table += "
    "; table += person.first_name+" "+person.last_name; table += ""; table += person.age; table += "
    "; dojo.place(table, dojo.body()); }});

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