ActionScript – Flex Mobile Project with Action Script Mobile Project

I am new to development and want to develop an Android application. I used Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 and Flex Mobile Project to build an application. I recently noticed Action Script Mobile in 4.7 Project has an option.

Can someone explain to me the difference between the two and the pros and cons of the use or pros and cons?

It is easier to create Flex mobile projects (using Flex 4.6 design mode for rapid prototyping, 4.7 Development) and visually let you drag and drop
You can use data binding and other built-in tools

Like everything else, use Flex mobile projects with complete ActionScript-based On the contrary, the solutions are both good and bad. Mainly, it is much easier to customize your preloader, splash screen and other functions similar to the way custom applications handle the screen. Below is to use the Flex mobile version instead of ActionScript Some advantages and disadvantages of .

Poor performance
Cannot use Adobe Scout, it is an excellent tool for real-time benchmarking and analysis. Use the built-in can, but it will not give The amazing information provided by your Scout.

My suggestion: If you are smart enough to do all the work in ActionScript, then be sure to create an ActionScript project, and your users will love you. In addition, it It’s not that difficult, it allows you to have countless additional controls over the component. In addition, you don’t have to deal with the overhead caused by data binding (it generates event listeners, get and set methods, and you can create more efficient by yourself​​ There are many other things that can benefit you by creating ActionScript versions like refactoring and better subversion, but these are more motivational than anything else.

I am new to development and want to develop an Android application. I used Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 and Flex Mobile Project to build an application. I recently noticed that Action Script Mobile Project has a Options.

Can someone explain to me the difference between the two and the pros and cons of the use or pros and cons?

It is easier to create Flex mobile projects (use Flex 4.6 design pattern rapid prototyping, 4.7 development) and visually let you drag and drop< br>You can use data binding and other built-in tools

Like everything else, using Flex mobile projects is the opposite of a complete ActionScript-based solution, both good and bad. Mainly , It’s much easier to customize your preloader, splash screen and other features similar to how custom apps handle the screen. Here are some pros and cons of using the mobile version of Flex instead of ActionScript.

Poor performance
Cannot use Adobe Scout, it is a great tool for real-time benchmarking and analysis. The built-in can be used, but it will not give you the amazing information provided by Scout.

< p>My suggestion: If you are smart enough to do all the work in ActionScript, then you must create an ActionScript project, your users will love you. In addition, it is not that difficult, it allows you to perform components Countless additional controls. In addition, you don’t have to deal with the overhead of data binding (it generates event listeners, get and set methods, you can create more efficient methods yourself). By creating like refactoring and better With such an ActionScript version of Subversion, there are many other things that can benefit you, but these are more incentives than anything else.

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