ReactJS – Effective load in React and React Native

When Redux is used to merge application state into React& React Native, why does the action creator need a type but no payload?

If the action has no payload attached, what is the purpose of the action creator?

Sometimes you have a reducer that does not return a new state based on the payload. An example is switching state The action of something in. The reducer only needs to know the trigger action to switch the attribute.

const lightSwitch = (
state = {on: false},
) => {
switch (action.type) {
case TOGGLE:
return {...state, on: !state.on };
default: return state;

When Redux is used to use application state Incorporating into React & React Native, why does the action creator need a type but no payload?

If the action has no payload attached, what is the purpose of the action creator?

Sometimes you have a reducer that does not return to a new state based on the payload. An example is the action of switching something in the state. The reducer only needs Know the trigger action to switch attributes.

const lightSwitch = (
state = {on: false},
action ,
) => {
switch (action.type) {
case TOGGLE:
return {...state, on: !state.on };
default: return state;

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