ReactJS – TypeScript – React 0.14 Stateless Function Components

Simple example:

import * as React from'react'
declare function getFish(x: any): any;
declare var Tank: any;

var Aquarium = ({species}) => (

{getFish(species) }

let x = ;


(10,9): error TS2605: JSX element type’Element’ is not a constructor function for JSX elements.

Please note that the error is related to Component Use relevant (let x declare). It seems that React’s definition file may not allow it to be a valid JSX? I am using the latest React 0.14 definition file from tsd, what am I doing wrong?

Suppose I have defined the following stateless functional components (React v0.14)

let GreeterComponent = (props: (name: string)){ 
Hi {}!


In another component, I use it like this:

class WrappingComponent extends React.Component{
let names = ['tom','john','simon'];
return (< br />

{> )}


I got this error from the typescript compiler:

error TS2605: JSX element type ‘ Element’ is not a constructor function
for JSX elements. Property’render’ is missing in type’Element’.

How can I solve it? What is the correctness of using stateless functional components in typescript? I am using the latest react.d.ts from tsd

When defining a stateless component, it Is a simple and simple function.

When you instantiate it (i.e. pass it to React.createElement), it will be wrapped by React.StatelessComponent.

Simple example:

import * as React from'react'
declare function getFish(x: any): any ;
declare var Tank: any;

var Aquarium = ({species}) => (


let x = ;


(10,9): error TS2605: JSX element type’Element’ is not a constructor function for JSX elements.

Please note that the error is related to the use of Component (let x statement). It seems that React’s definition file may not allow it to be a valid JSX? I am using the latest React 0.14 definition file from tsd, what am I doing wrong?

Suppose I have defined the following stateless functional components (React v0.14)

let GreeterComponent = (props: (name: string)){ 
Hi {}!


In another component, I use it like this:

class WrappingComponent extends React.Component{
let names = ['tom','john','simon'];
return (< br />

{> )}


I got this error from the typescript compiler:

error TS2605: JSX element type ‘ Element’ is not a constructor function
for JSX elements. Property’render’ is missing in type’Element’.

How can I solve it? What is the correctness of using stateless functional components in typescript? I am using the latest react.d.ts from tsd

When defining stateless components, it is a simple and simple function.

< /p>

When you instantiate it (i.e. pass it to React.createElement), it will be wrapped by React.StatelessComponent.

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