ReactJS – Material UI Automatically completes from remote DataSource in the React application

I am using React 15.0.1 and Material-UI 0.15.0. I am trying to render automatically through React. This is my code:

import React from'react';

import SomeService from'../../../services/SomeService';

import AutoComplete from'material-ui/AutoComplete';

class SearchInput extends React.Component {
constructor (props) {

this.state = {
dataSource: []

searchSomething (value) {
if (value.length) {< br /> SomeService.fetchAutocomplete({searchQuery: value})
.then((res) => this.handleSuccess(,
(err) => this.handleFailure(err)) ;
} else {
dataSource: []
handleSuccess (response ) {
this.setState({dataSource: response.slice(0, 10)});
handleFailure (err) {
console.log(err);< br /> }

re nder () {
return (

floatingLabelText='Enter test'
onUpdateInput={(val) => this.searchSomething(val)}
fullWidth={true} />


export default SearchInput;

Suppose I get a response object containing data: […] //A bunch of things.
This is not present.

< p>The response object is similar to:

reponse: {
data: ['Apple','Banana','Orange '],

Can anyone help me?

According to this question and the comment mentioned, you just need to pass true to skip the filter Function.

 floatingLabelText='Enter test'
onUpdateInput= {(val) => this.searchSomething(val)}
filter={(searchText, key) => true} />

I am using React 15.0.1 and Material-UI 0.15.0. I am trying to render automatically through React. This is my code:

< pre>import React from’react’;

import SomeService from’../../../services/SomeService’;

import AutoComplete from’material-ui /AutoComplete’;

class SearchInput extends React.Component {
constructor (props) {

this.state = {
dataSource: []

searchSomething (value) {
if (value.length) {
SomeService.fetchAutocomplete ({searchQuery: value})
.then((res) => this.handleSuccess(,
(err) => this.handleFailure(err));
} else {
dataSource: []
handleSuccess (response) {
this.setState({dataSource: response.slice(0, 10)}) ;
handleFailure (err) {

render () {
return (< br />

floatingLabelText=’Enter test’
onUpdateInput={(val) => this.searchSomething (val)}
fullWidth={true} />


export default SearchInput ;

Suppose I get a response object containing data: […] //A bunch of things.
This is not presented.

The response object is similar to:

reponse: {
data: ['Apple','Banana','Orange'],

Can anyone help me?

According to this question and the comment mentioned, you only need to pass true to skip the filter function.

 floatingLabelText='Enter test'
onUpdateInput={(val) => this.searchSomething(val) }
filter={(searchText, key) => true} />

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