XML – XSL-FO: Forced wrap table entry

When I published modspecs to pdf (XSL-FO), I encountered a problem. There is a problem with my table, where the content of the cell overflows its column to the next In the column. How can I force a break in the text in order to create a new line?

I cannot manually insert the zero space character because the table entry is entered programmatically. I am looking for a simple solution, I just add to docbook_pdf.xsl (as xsl: param or xsl : Attributes)

This is where I am currently:

...(the beginning of my stylesheet for pdf generation, eg header and footer content stuff)
< br />


< br />

With this, long words are successfully decomposed in table cells! Unfortunately, the side effect is that normal text elsewhere (such as in an X with insufficient gender) now breaks down the words so that they appear on separate lines. Is there a way to isolate the above process from the table?

In other words, try to insert a zero-width space character between the characters that allow breaks. < p>

>You can use XSLT to insert zero-width spaces between each character. This is one way: http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/XSL-FO/conversations /topics/1177.
>This is a mailing list topic that discusses various ways to solve the problem: http://www.stylusstudio.com/xsllist/200201/post80920.html.
> SourceForge DocBook stylesheets Contains a template for breaking down long URLs in FO output; see http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/Ulinks.html#BreakLongUrls. The template (hyphen-url) is in xref.xsl.

When I published modspecs to pdf (XSL-FO), I encountered a problem. There is a problem with my table, where the content of the cell overflows its column to the next In the column. How can I force a break in the text in order to create a new line?

I cannot manually insert the zero space character because the table entry is entered programmatically. I am looking for a simple solution, I just add to docbook_pdf.xsl (as xsl: param or xsl : Attributes)

This is where I am currently:

...(the beginning of my stylesheet for pdf generation, eg header and footer content stuff)
< br />


With this, long words are successfully decomposed in table cells! Unfortunately, the side effect is that normal text elsewhere (such as in an X with insufficient gender) now breaks down the words so that they appear on separate lines. Is there a way to isolate the above process from the table?

In other words, try to insert a zero-width space character between the characters that allow interruption.

>You can Use XSLT to insert zero-width spaces between each character. This is one way: http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/XSL-FO/conversations/topics/1177.
>This is one The subject of the mailing list, discussing various ways to solve the problem: http://www.stylusstudio.com/xsllist/200201/post80920.html.
> SourceForge DocBook stylesheets contains a tool for breaking down long URLs in FO output Template; see http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/Ulinks.html#BreakLongUrls. The template (hyphen-url) is in xref.xsl.

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