1. IP address
The IP address (the default external network) is the unique identification address of the Internet. Its role is to provide a unique network address, in the sense that it connects co
Category: Architecture
Architectural design is the product of people’s subjective mapping of elements within a structure and the relationships between elements. Architecture design is a series of related abstract patterns used to guide the design of various aspects of large software systems. The architect’s job responsibility is to transform the customer’s needs into a standardized development plan and text during the development of a software project, and to formulate the overall structure of the project, and guide the entire development team to complete the plan. Architecture design is the early stage of the software design process, which connects the requirements analysis and the design process. The main task of an architect is not to write specific software programs, but to engage in higher-level development and architecture work. He must have a good understanding of development technology, and he needs to have good organizational and management skills.
Kubernetes1.7 cluster deployment
kubernetes1.7 cluster deployment Environment os: CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core) kernel: 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Aug 22 21:09 :27 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Does the client-server webRTC application require ICE?
I have a WebRTC MCU (kurento) running on a public IP address
for some customers who only send or only receive audio
So every client Both are directly connected to MCUs with public IP addresses (no
Protocol buffers (3): Read a binary file
Blog: blog.shinelee.me | Blog Garden| CSDN
In this article, we will define a relatively complex data structure and directly analyze the serialized binary file.
Write the
HeartBeat (V1, V2, PACEMAKER) cluster component overview
One, what is Heartbeat< /strong>
Heartbeat is a highly available cluster system based on Linux open source. It mainly includes two highly available cluster components, heartbeat service and r
GWT RPC response head
Is there a way to read the header information received by the GWT client in the RPC response?
Response header
Server Apache-Coyote/1.1
Set-Cookie JSESSIONID=3379B1E57BEB2FE227EDC1F57BF550ED;
Heartbeat and shared file high available cluster
< span style="font-size:11pt;">Prepare two virtual machines with IP addresses and
span> < /span> Synchronize node time , Set the time synchronization on the two virtua
Heartbeat learning
Introduction to Heartbeat
The working principle of Heartbeat:
Keeplived and heartbeat high availability are operating system level, not (software level), you can use simple Script to achieve high availability at the software level.
Highly available serverSwitch
Common condition scenarios:
DHCP failover using two auxiliary server ISC-DHCP-Server
I am rearranging our network and doing some DHCP failover, because we have many machines, even servers, using DHCP to obtain IP addresses.
Today we have a good DNS topology with a master serv
Is SOAP now a traditional technology?
Are people still writing SOAP services or have they passed the architectural shelf life of the technology? Will people return to binary format? The SOAP alternative is not in binary format.