In the UNIX world, the standard way to create a file mapping object supported by RAM or page files instead of disk files is to call shm_open. This will create a memory map with a name, and Return a
Category: Hardware
Hardware development generally refers to the hardware development of electronic products. The research and development of a kind of visible electronic products, such as mobile phones, mice, keyboards, and stereos are all hardware. Hardware development is a series of researches carried out in these areas. Hardware development is generally divided into: schematic design, circuit diagram design, PCB board design, test board production, functional testing, stability testing, single-chip design, small batch production, formal market or formal use and other steps.
iPhone – UITableView supports the language from right to left
How to change the layout of the table view from right to left (including transition to detailed view: the transition must also be from right to left)?
In advance. For view transitions, you can
iPhone – A problem when Hebrew text is present in UIWebView
I have some Hebrew text stored in the database. When I get it & render it in UIWebview after applying some css (setting the background color and margin of the page) Good but the problem is that if
iPhone – Why is it in .m declared some methods instead .h?
I am using Xcode’s navigation-based application to create a new file, and I see that the .m file contains the following lines:
@interface RootViewController ()
– (void)configureCell:(UITableV
KMeans Clustering
The k-means algorithm takes k as a parameter, divides n objects into k clusters, so that the clusters have a high degree of similarity, and the similarity between c
iPhone – Core Data NSPredicate and SQLITE Store
This code returns 0 incorrect objects. However, when the predicate is deleted, the get request will return all objects.
NSError *error = nil;
NSEntityDescription *entityDescription = [NSEntit
iPhone – Playing multiple sounds at a time?
I have 6 sounds on one view.
But I want it so that I can play multiple at the same time, so you hit sound 1 (Sound 1 is playing) and then sound 2 is playing. And sound 1 is still playing.
iPhone – How do I update dynamic change line numbers in UITABLE CORRECLTY (and their cell contents)?
I am trying to create a UITableViewController subclass to provide me with UITableView through my application settings. I am having trouble reloading data about the state of UISwtitch. The table ha
iPhone – How to Stop NSTHREAD
I am using a thread to update background messages in my application. The thread is started in my message class.
timerThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self
Use a UIViewController and two XIB processing directions to change on the iPad
I want to use a UIViewController and two XIBs to handle the orientation change of an iPad application, that is, MenuView and MenuViewLandscape.
So, in MenuViewController In the willRotateToIn