Add a missing monthly date in the time series data in PostgreSQL

I have monthly time series data in the table, where the date is the last day of the month. Some dates are missing in the data. I want to insert these dates and add zero values ​​for other attributes.
The table is as follows:

id report_date price
1 2015-01-31 40
1 2015-02-28 56
1 2015-04-30 34
2 2014-05-31 45
2 2014-08-31 47

I want to convert this table to

< p>

id report_date price
1 2015-01-31 40
1 2015-02-28 56
1 2015-03-31 0
1 2015-04-30 34
2 2014-05-31 45
2 2014-06-30 0
2 2014-07-31 0
2 2014-08-31 47

Is there any way we can do this in Postgresql?
Currently we do this in Python. Because our data is growing day by day, and it is not efficient to process I/O for only one task.

Thank you

You can use generate_series() to generate dates, and then leave join to introduce values:

with m as (
select id, min(report_date) as minrd, max(report_date) as maxrd
from t
group by id
select, m.report_date, coalesce(t.price, 0) as price
from (select m.*, generate_series(minrd, maxrd, interval '1' month) as report_date
from m< br />) m left join
on m.report_date = t.report_date;


It turns out that the above situation is not completely valid, Because adding the month at the end of the month does not keep the last day of the month.

This is easy to solve:

with t as (
select 1 as id, date '2012-01-31' as report_date, 10 as price union all
select 1 as id, date '2012-04-30', 20
), m as (
select id, min(report_date)-interval '1 day' as minrd, max(report_date)-interval '1 day' as maxrd
from t
group by id< br /> )
select, m.report_date, coalesce(t.price, 0) as price
from (select m.*, generate_series(minrd, maxrd, interval '1' month) + interval '1 day' as report_date
from m
) m left join
on m.report_date = t.report_date;

The first CTE just generates sample data.

I have monthly time series data in the table, where the date is the last day of the month. Some dates are missing in the data. I want to insert these Date, and add zero values ​​for other attributes.
The table is as follows:

id report_date price
1 2015-01-31 40
1 2015-02-28 56
1 2015-04-30 34
2 2014-05-31 45
2 2014-08-31 47

I want Convert this table to

id report_date price
1 2015-01-31 40
1 2015-02-28 56
1 2015 -03-31 0
1 2015-04-30 34
2 2014-05-31 45
2 2014-06-30 0
2 2014-07-31 0< br />2 2014-08-31 47

Is there any way we can do this in Postgresql?
Currently we do this in Python. Because our data is growing day by day, and it is not efficient to process I/O for only one task.

Thank you

You can use generate_series() to generate dates, and then leave join to introduce values:

with m as (
select id, min(report_date) as minrd, max(report_date) as maxrd
from t
group by id
select, m.report_date, coalesce(t. price, 0) as price
from (select m.*, generate_series(minrd, maxrd, interval '1' month) as report_date
from m
) m left join
on m.report_date = t.report_date;


It turns out that the above situation is not completely valid, because adding the month at the end of the month does not keep the last day of the month .

This is easy to solve:

with t as (
select 1 as id, date '2012-01-31' as report_date , 10 as price union all
select 1 as id, date '2012-04-30', 20
), m as (
select id, min(report_date)-interval '1 day 'as minrd, max(report_date)-interval '1 day' as maxrd
from t
group by id
select, m.report_date, coalesce(t .pri ce, 0) as price
from (select m.*, generate_series(minrd, maxrd, interval '1' month) + interval '1 day' as report_date
from m
) m left join
on m.report_date = t.report_date;

The first CTE is just to generate sample data.

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