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You are reading OFFLINE Issue 13 “How to Tell a Story in Virtual Reality”, become an offline member, you will receive a weekly e-magazine, complete reading Member-specific content.
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I made some apps (pedometer, heart rate, recorder) for moto360 with android. Everything works, but I don’t know how to save the data on the watch and how to access the smart Data on the phone. I ha
It is understandable that many people think that virtual reality is just a pipe dream. In fact, virtual reality has existed since 1950, but there were many virtual reality developments that failed
Please fill in the multiplier and multiplicand below, and you can see the result after pressing OK.
The function we want to achieve is very simple, that is, multiply the value entered in the
SurfaceView obscures the project background of other controls:
Recently For the player project, because the underlying implementation uses Surface and OpenGL to switch rendering, both GLSurfa
Sourcetree is needed to manage git branches in recent projects, but when the default settings are used to pull branches, it will always report 504 gateway Timeout. According to some information on
I plan to write a pretty good web application in Rebol (currently using CGI on Apache 2), but the initial performance test was very frustrating. When I was on the application When running the apach
LAMPoffastcgiapplyphpmyadm andwordpress Two hosts
OneA apacheand php-fpm
OneB mariadb server
1. A Install the required packages and start the service
yum install httpd php-f
Device->BeginScene(); // assume _surface is a pointer to an idirect3dsurface9 interface. // assumes a 32-bit pixel format for each pixel. // get the surface description.Describe the surface D3DSURF
First, create a C++ version of the UE4 project. I am using version 4.12.3. According to my understanding, the new version The subsequent compilation is vs2015
So, if you want to create a C++